
Housesitting service without staying overnight?

Does anybody offer the Housesitting service but can't stay overnight at the client's home? For example you arrive at the clients home early in the morning, spend majority of day in their home with pets, and leave late at night. Obviously while being upfront with client. I would love to housesit but I can't stay overnight because I have a young infant.

3 Answers

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I have stopped doing this now that I charge them for what they are asking for-- drop-in service. I noticed the ones who were not wanting me to stay also were trying to get me to work for almost free lol Just look at what it works out to be for 3-4 drop-ins per day vs your overnight house sitting fee and see if its worth shlepping yourself back and forth instead of staying the night there at their house.


I've done it, but it is up to the client. I ask every potential housesitting client whether I need to stay the night or not. Some want me to, and others do not or do not have a preference. I agree with Karen, it may be a good idea to put in your profile that you cannot stay the night. If all else fails, you can not do housesitting. You may not make as much money, but it may work out better for you.


From posts on this board, there are many sitters who do not stay overnight in a client's home and there would be clients who do no require it.

Just be upfront with them and make sure you outline the scope of your house sitting service in your profile. If you are gong to spend a majority of your day at the client's home, $25 is way too low. Also, I would hope you wouldn't be planning on bringing your infant with you to perform these services. I did notice you asked in your profile whether the dog is reactive to children, babies, or strollers. Not a good idea from a safety standpoint and a liability issue. Otherwise you have sterling credentials and I would think plenty of people would entrust their pet's care to you.