
How long does it take for the profile to be activated?

My background check has been approved, I successfully completed the Sitter Quiz, posted several pictures and am still waiting for my Profile to be approved. Does it take a week? I am feeling impatient, because I want to start posting on Facebook, CL and others to start advertising. I also am thinking of buying business cards, but need to wait until profile is approved/activated.


Hi Susan, I see you've been quite successful since from when you posted this comment last July. I am brand new to Rover. I registered yest at 2 am. Still waiting on my background check. How many days did you wait to receive your background check badge? What else am I missing? I have one testimony.

My background check has also been approved, I’ve payed and I’m feeling really really impatient.

Did u ever get approved? Lol how many days? I’m on my 7th business day :( They say 5-10 business days so it looks like it’s going to be at the end of the 10th day for me lol I’ve had many background checks that come back in less than 48 hrs…not sure why it takes them 2 weeks. Wish I could sit! :(

3 Answers

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I can see your profile! So it looks like the link is active and you can directly send people to your profile if you're advertising:

I don't as of yet see you in search results, but there are TONS of dogwalkers listed for your area. You'll improve your chances of showing up near the beginning of the results if you respond quickly to all messages, get some testimonials/reviews [you can get friends to help you with these before you get your first real review from a Rover client], and posting photos.

Not sure how long the process to come up in search results actually takes, but I know for me it was about a week for the email to show up. But like you, the link worked perfectly fine from the get go, and they can contact you on the site.

  • EDIT * Oops my apologies, guess you actually can't be contacted yet :[ Just the link works and they can view your profile. My mistake! Hope they get back to you soon~

I think it varies from person to person on how long they have to wait before their profile is approved/for their Rover 101 sitting quiz badge to appear on the profile. I personally had to wait a little over a day before my profile was made public, but I had to wait several (I think it was at least 3, no longer than 5) days for the sitting badge to appear on it.


Thank you gals! So right now, people can see my profile, but can't contact me yet. I'm assuming that means that the people I asked to write a testimony won't be able to leave one yet! Bummer!


I think people can still leave a testimonial; if I recall correctly, it's something Rover encourages you to do during profile set-up!

Yay! I'm official! (I had one blurry picture they needed me to take down) I advertised on Facebook & CL. I'll do the Google+ this weekend. Two testimonials are on my profile now too! Should I request more people for testimonials? I don't know what else to do to enhance my profile. Any ideas?