
Do you limit client photos on profile?

I always post the best photos from all my stays to my profile and send the less-than-perfect ones via message without having them posted. I'm already up to 33 photos in less than a month. Do you limit how many photos you post to your profile? If so, how do you decide how many, which ones, etc?

5 Answers

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I do not. I take lots of pictures and more pictures if I know an owner is a little anxious leaving their baby. I figure this is my portfolio so my best work should be included, but it also helps to demonstrate all the test shots too!


I never thought to limit the photos I post of my clients pups. I post periodically throughout the day to let the parents know what a great time their fur babies are having. Interesting thought though.


Good Question.
My clients usually want me to text their pics to them. I ask permission from the client to post the best ones to to show others how much fun their dogs are having.

On the other side of this question, I actually wondered if limits how many pictures we could post for each client. Since Laura R. can post hundreds of pics, then I doubt there is a limit.
My stupid question: I'm curious why you would want to limit the number of pictures on your profile? I totally understand only wanting the best quality ones posted! If there was a limit, I would want to be selective on which pics I posted on there.


I was wondering if it's good to limit the stay photos so potential clients don't have a hundred pictures to look through, but now I'm just going to continue sending a bunch of pictures to customers and select the very best (highest quality and/or super duper cutest) for my profile. Maybe one day I'll get up to where Laura's are now. A girl can dream. :)


Not really.. I have probably hundreds of photos that cycle through on my profile. Before the interface change I would go through and remove the less quality pics periodically, like a blurry shot of a dog who doesn't normally play having a blast wrestling with my dog--it may not be a great picture to show off to new clients, but it is very special to his owner. If I really don't want a picture to appear, I'll just text it to the owner's personal number. (For instance, I recently had a guest dog with me at the beach, where someone had built a giant sand penis. I took a pic of the dog with it, because I know the owner and knew she'd find it funny, but I didn't want it on my public profile.)

EDIT: If you go to the client's page and view the dog's pictures, you have the option to hide any photos that you uploaded of that dog, which removes them from public view on your profile.


Where does it give you the option to hide the photos? I can't seem to find it!

I can only vouch for it working on a computer, since they haven't developed a mobile app for Windows Phone yet, so if you're trying to use the app, I'd suggest doing it from your computer. From your conversation, click on your client's profile. It will show all the uploaded pictures of their dog. You can click on and select 'hide' for any pictures that you have uploaded.

I CANNOT thank you enough for your answer. I have been messaging only the best photos, even though there are some nice ones that I just don't want on my profile. Thank you! Everybody vote this up please!

Hi do you know if they changed this feature? I tried to select and delete photos I from the client's message string so they wouldn't show on my profile, but it looks the same on my computer as on a mobile device. Nothing appears to show a " hide" choice. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Hi Kathy - You can't delete them from the conversation. You have to go to the client's profile where it shows all the dog's pictures and hide them from there.


I didn't even realize you could choose which ones to show on the profile. I thought they were all put in the "(your name's) canine clients" section of your profile