
Do you offer a discount for frequent clients?

I have some clients whose dogs I walk every workday, in one case multiple times a day (small dogs with small bladders). My loose practice has been to offer a 15% discount off my posted rate to regular clients who are booking three or more services a week. It's more efficient and easier to schedule for me to get weekly bookings from old clients instead of playing email tag and going on meet-and-greets that might or might not work out. From the client's point of view, it's a real financial burden to pay for pet care every day in order to go to work, rather than as a rare expense associated with optional activities like going on vacation or doing something in the evening.

I was wondering if other sitters do anything similar.

2 Answers

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My entire Rover business is walks and all my clients are M-F each and every week, year in and years out, and I don't discount. Constantly offering discounts sends the wrong message to your clients in my opinion. Best of luck


Personally I don't, but I understand why some people do. I've decided that I don't want the headache of trying to keep track of who is paying what and making sure they continue to meet my stipulations to receive the discounted rate.