
Was there ever an individual who contacted you outside of your service area? And asked for your cellphone number?


I just received a message from someone who is outside of my service area. I have asked her if she is from that area stated in her profile and she simply ignored my question and rushed to asking if I wouldn't have an issue giving her my cellphone number and to meet her and her dog prior to booking. For some reason I just have an iffy feeling about this or maybe I am just being paranoid? I really want to avoid scams or potential danger at all costs. Should I respond to her and meet with her? Or should I just move on? I'm not too sure what to do. She only wants her dog to stay in my home for 2 days. But for the meet and greet if she does really live out of my state (NY) I don't think she would actually be willing to meet me in New Jersey, right? I don't want to assume. If someone could give me insightful advice or thoughts I would greatly appreciate it. I am still fairly new to Rover (2 months worth of hard work can not be ruined by one individual). Thank you!

5 Answers

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Hi Joanne, you do not have to give her your cell phone number. And it seems reasonable to arrange a Meet & Greet at your house even if she lives in NY. The M&G is usually held where the service will take place. She needs boarding so she will want to see your house. Close off rooms that you don't want to give access. Hope this helps!


Thank you for the advice! I really appreciate it. Thank you.

Thanks for your question! Welcome to Rover!


In addition, if they do agree to the M&G, have someone with you so you don't have to meet them alone. Why anybody from NY would contact a sitter in New Brunswick is beyond me. (BTW, I know where New Brunswick is, having spent some time at Rutgers). Sorry, but sounds rather scammy to me, especially because they asked for your cellphone number.


Someone asked a similar question as an sitter, this thread sounds fishy


Two questions by the same person and is only representing herself as the sitter. One more general about service radius and the other about M&Gs. Where does it imply she's the owner?


Outside your Service Area - means you have no obligation to take the job, conduct a M&G etc. - and your rating doesn’t get dinged for declining the request, and then archiving it.


Seems like the scammers from Craigslist are here on Rover. I just dealt with one. He created his profile today, has no info, He sent a weird number but in his profile it says he lives in the same area as me, and he demanded I give him my number so we can talk better. But then he gets confused, he sent a request for a small lhasa dog to be boarded with me and then talks about walks for a golden retriever and that my duties would be "playing with his pet" and help feeding his pet.... and when I tell him this seems like a scam he got mad and said he actually won't need my service again :D I reported him to rover and his profile has been flagged for suspicious activity.