
Dog I am sitting fell down a step and is now limping?

Rover dog that I am sitting got so excited for their walk that they ending up missing a step and kind of flopping over. Noticing limping in front leg, slower speed when on walk, and not as excited greet when I come home. I immediately checked for swelling, weird angles of the leg, tried my best to feel for broken anything, checked for bruising. The Rover dog seems to be totally okay. Rover dog even lets me touch "injured" leg.

I'm reading that it might be a soft tissue injury and can resolve itself in less than 48 hours. If dog is limping for more than 48 hours, many websites suggest visiting the vet. Rover dog currently has no veterinarian listed but I can easily contact owner for that information or take Rover dog somewhere nearby. Any advice? Should I be more worried? I told myself not to be worried until after 48 hours if the Rover dog is still limping. I am currently having Rover dog ice their leg on a bag of frozen veggies covered in a towel.

4 Answers

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  1. Call Rover
  2. Inform the dog's owners or have Rover inform them Do not take any chances by doing nothing.

If you feel comfortable to massage and gently stretch it. I would say it will feel better by the morning, hopefully nothing damaged! Depends what type of dog it is?


Chances are the pup just overstretched or twisted something or some kind of minor injury. Definitely let the owners know immediately, describe what happened and tell them the symptoms. Tell them what you've been doing to help (the icing, less exercise maybe). Then just either ask them if they'd like you to do anything in particular, or tell them what you'd like to have as a plan and ask for their approval (for example, let them know you'd like to get them checked by the vet if it's still bothering them in a couple days).

If this happened for me, all I would do personally is restrict the dog's activity, inform the owners of the situation, and ask them if there's anything in particular they'd like me to do. If the limp were very severe so the dog wasn't putting any weight on that leg, or if they were whining while at rest or excessively licking the leg, I'd be much more concerned and would recommend to them that they allow me to take their dog to the vet. Good luck!


Thank you. No whining or severe limp. Still putting weight on the leg. I will wait for the owner's message. The on-call vet that Rover emergency line connected me to mentioned to take to vet only if limp persist after 48 hours.


Definitely call Rover. Best course of action is to document with support immediately. If warranted, they will connect you to a vet assisted line, who will gather information from you and try to help you make determination over phone. I'd also recommend you let the owner know what happened and how you're monitoring it. In your messages, you could inquire if they have a regular local vet they prefer you take the dog to. (If they have a good relationship with their vet, it's likely best to take the dog there, because they will have all the dog's medical history). After you speak with the vet assisted line, they'll also provide a write up for the owner. Following that, it will be seamless if you need to visit a vet as Rover support will follow up with you.


Yep, exactly what I did. Messaged the owner, no response yet. Rover emergency line connected me to an on-call veterinarian. Vet suggested to monitor Rover dog's front leg for 48 hours, if dog is still limping, take to vet. Thank you for your help.