
Staying in the home with owner for a night?

Okay, I'm new to Rover but have been sitting independently for a couple years. I will admit this is not an entirely new request that has been made to me. Some of my clients have to catch a very early flight and though I inform them I can be at the house very early, 5, even 4 a.m. before they leave if that would make them happy I still have had owners ask me to stay overnight the night before they leave. Is it just me or is staying overnight WITH the owner (someone you literally just met) kind of awkward and uncomfortable? Don't get me wrong, while staying in clients houses I always act as if they have security cameras (and yes, one of my clients actually did.) But there's just something very awkward and uncomfortable in trying to make yourself at home in a strangers house while said stranger is there. Anyway, all my past clients who made this suggestion later agreed not to have me stay in the house while they were there, but for the first time, I just recently accepted a stay where the client does wish me to come over the night before they leave. She seemed VERY nice in the meet and greet (I haven't met the husband yet). And while I'm quite good at engaging there is just something about a complete stranger(s) seeing me in my PJ's early in the morning that is making me really nervous and uncomfortable, am I the only one?! Also, I'm not 100% sure if she is planning on paying me for that night or just the nights that I'm staying with the dogs?? Just curious if any of you have ever had this same request and how you handled it? On the positive side, it will give me more time to bond with the dogs and ask her questions about them!

2 Answers

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No, you are completely correct in feeling the way that you do. I too would be uncomfortable and would politely tell them No. When they ask a second time I would again so No, but thank you, and tell them what time you will be there. If they ask a 3rd time I would smile and tell them No, I appreciate the offer but No, I will meet you here in the morning at such and such time. (or you can just tell them no, it does not work with your schedule but you can swing by the night before to pick up a copy of the key. )

Which, I actually think is very nice of you to even offer to be there at 4 or 5 in the morning. Unless there is a medical reason or the client honestly NEVER leaves their pet alone, I would not meet clients that early. I normally will lead them with what time I will be there. (I think if you ask the client what time they want you to be there is when you start getting crazy requests.) I will ask the owners what time are they leaving , if they say 4/5am, I follow up with, "oh, wow! that is early. With you guys leaving so early, you don't have to worry about feeding Fluffy that morning, I will just plan on getting here early about 7/8am and will feed Fluffy as soon as I get here. Did you want to leave the key under the mat, or would you like me to stop by ........(DAY) to pick up a copy of the key?" (I normally pick at least a couple of days prior to them leaving. The day before, I am sure they are running around trying to get the last minute stuff done.)

I think you may have better luck leading the conversation vs leaving it open ended for them to come up with a crazy request.

Oh and yes, if for some crazy reason you do decide to stay the night before at the clients request, Yes you should always charge for it. This goes with anything the owner asks as far as adding on. I will tell them sure no problem, I will go ahead and adjust (or add) that on(through) Rover.


Thank you for the response, I'm glad to know my nervous jitters are justified! And I think you have some great advice, like you said, I've always let the client lead, thinking, well, they're the boss and I have to make them happy! Unfortunately, this was before Rover and I already agreed so I'll--

stay that night, and after that honestly I think she'll trust me and won't have any reason for that request in the future, but if she does I'll graciously decline. Thank you for the advice! It is much appreciated! I've been doing this for years but I never had any other sitters to talk to!

I would honestly never do this. I don't even go to clients homes. I think it is a safety concern. All dogs I take care of come to my home.

I would love to do the same thing but unfortunately my own dog is too aggressive with other dogs.


I would consider staying if I could see an AirBnB or Couchsurfing profile and saw that there were excellent reviews. I have a housesitter coming in who actually ASKED ME if she could stay with us the night before, as she's coming in on an evening flight and is trying to avoid hotel bills. We're happy to do that since our experience with Couchsurfing has made us very comfortable with hosting strangers who have uniformly excellent reviews. We have hosted and been hosted by dozens and have yet to have a bad experience, knock on wood.

That said, if you are not used to hosting/being hosted by strangers, then I would recommend you not do anything that is going to make you feel uncomfortable. You can just tell them that: "The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I am getting with staying in someone's house while they are still in the house."


I never heard of those sites before. Thanks for the tip! This lady said that they used to rent out the basement apartment of their previous home to 'young people my age' so I'm sure they're very good hosts, it's just something I've never done before. I'm not pretty in the morning at all! Haha.