
How long are drop-in visits for multiple dogs?

I have a request to do 7 drop in visits over the course of 3 days, for 3 different dogs. Therefore, it would be charging the owner for 21 visits. Does this meant that the drop-in visits are extended because they are paying for additional dogs? Or is it still 30 minutes for all 3?

1 Answer

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Drop-ins are considered a 30 minute event, but with 3 dogs it may take more time depending on what you do during the drop-in, like feeding, outside potty time and some play time. Looking at your rates it would be $54 a visit which is high in my opinion. And the 21 visits would be $1134 less Rover fees. I would expect significant pushback from the owner or you may not get the booking. Best of luck


Sorry, I may not have been clear. She booked 7 visits but included the additional dog rate for each one. So there are 7 visits per dog, totaling $378 with my rates of $18 per visit.

Sorry I misread your post