
As a sitter, how do I ensure my safety when meeting with new clients at their own home?

It seems like there is a ton of safety measures taken to ensure the safety of the pets while in the sitters care. But, what about the safety of the sitters? How do we know we aren't walking in to a dangerous situation? How are the clients investigated?

3 Answers

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Sadly nothing is done to protect the safety of the sitters.

Steps that I do is, to look at their profile. Granted this doesn't always help (especially when majority of them are new to Rover) but it does give me some information about their dog. I normally will get a little bit of information about their pet prior to the meet and greet but honestly (I guess, now that you are mentioning it) I could be walking into anything at the meet and greet. I do google earth their address so I have an idea of the area and make sure the house at least looks presentable from the outside. My big safety tip is that I will make sure that someone knows the address of where the meet and greet will be at. I will call them right before I enter the house and as soon as I am leaving. (at least this way they will know where to look for me, if something was to happen) During the meet and greet make sure to ask a lot of questions and kind of get a feel for the client.

I am a true believer you always gotta go with your first gut feeling. Make sure you always listen to that inner voice when something doesn't feel right. Good Luck!


I've been asking myself that same question for as long as I've been sitting! I started sitting independently I think before I even turned 18 and my mother has always been very over-protective so she hated the idea of me meeting total strangers in their own homes and while I tried to reassure her I was very nervous myself! Honestly, when I first started to get calls I would ask the client if it was okay if I brought someone with me, and assured them that the family member or friend would stay in the car while we did the meet and greet. At first, the clients were confused and thought less of me, I think, but when I explained that it was my own personal safety precaution they accepted and understood. Once my friend Nic rode along with me, and my mother also went once with me as well. It's not exactly ideal but it's something... I also agree with Erica M, I google map the address and leave a copy of it with someone I trust.


I always let them know I am going to bring my male business partner for a meet and greet. Since you don't even know the "client's" last name, I would never go alone to their house. No one ever objected or was confused or upset. We're professionals, this is how we run the business. I always got the job.