
how do i get certified for dog walks?

help! How do I get certified on rover for dog walking?


You don’t need get get certified. There’s no such thing. Just tell you clients you are to get more business.

3 Answers

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If you are brand new on the site, you may see a message box on your profile page telling you "We've noticed something incomplete" and that you must complete the Rover Walking Certification before you can offer Rover Now walks.

You cannot complete this certification until your profile has been accepted and your background check has cleared. The wording is ambiguous, and suggested to me that perhaps this incomplete step had to be finished before the profile review could be wrapped up; customer service informs me this is not the case. If you're new, wait until your profile is approved, and then you will receive an email telling you how to become certified.


Thanks for the info I have spent all day going through my email trying to find the background check email.

I have this showing on my profile too and I have been waiting for a long time for the email/text to tell me how to get "certified"...I'm probably going to have to contact them.


If you are serious about becoming a dog walker, you can take free online classes to learn about animal behavior and/or volunteer at the local shelter to gain some experience. However, as mentioned in above post, there is no such thing as a dog walker certification.


Rover hasn't yet updated the help area with information for the on-demand walk program so you have to call them 888-453-7889

And I just found this blog post: