
When you have 2- 30 minute walks booked (2 dogs, same owner), do you walk them one at a time, for a total of 60 minutes, or at the same time?

When you have two 30 minute walks booked (2 dogs, same owner), do you walk them one at a time, for a total of 60 minutes, or at the same time?

2 Answers

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I would ask. If you are referring to your base walk rate and then an additional dog is added for presumably a lower rate then that implies that it is together. You are being paid for 30 minutes of walking and a little extra for the additional stops and sniffs and poop, etc. If they booked two individual 30 minute walks excluding one dog and then the other I would take that as two 30 minute walks with the dogs alone. For a pet parent to manually exclude a dog in rover and schedule two walks you have to do multiple steps and it is a real pain in Rover so it doesn't happen by mistake.


Depends on how well the dogs walk. If loose leash trained and easy walkers charge $20-$25 for the 2nd. Never let your outbound rate for anything be under $50 per hour. Even that’s a steal, but if regulars and you enjoy this business it’s a good way to get referrals be sure tell it a spec rate 4them


Always communicate with the owner and ask them what they prefer :)