
How to tell owners their dog needs to be groomed ?

Hello! I have been sitting for a Sheepdog Poodle mix for over 2 years. Recently the owners have decided to keep her hair extra long. This has been causing issues with tangles and matting. I cannot keep up with the brushing (shes 110 pounds and unruly) it seriously takes me hours every day. When they bring her over she hasnt been brushed by her owners either. She is stinky and seems to be uncomfortable during warm weather, panting a lot. I am really not sure how to bring it up to them . Any advice would be great! Thank you !!!


Pet sitting- an awesome way to work from home in a low stress environment w/ great benefits (extra cash & kisses!) I ask my clients to bathe & brush their pets the day before I care for them I explain that it maintains a safe environment, prevents flees & keeps everyone comfortable. Owners agree!

3 Answers

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Hi Heather, Explain it to the owners just like you said. "...(dog name) is stinky and seems to be uncomfortable during warm weather...(dog name) is panting a lot. It helps me out a lot when guest dogs come groomed and the dogs feel better..."
If you are willing to bath the dog, let them know what you charge for that service.


The best way to bring something like this up is to be as polite as possible, i used to work at a salon and sadly people do not understand how grooming is necessary on certain breeds for their health. I would personally say "Its always a pleasure to brush out (name) but I think a good bath and a shape up at the groomers would suit (name) better because they have high velocity dryers that can push dirt, access fur and knots out better than my brush can, I'd be happy to refer you to a great groomer and continue to brush (name) out when I watch him."
btw you're a saint for brushing that dog out!


I'm a sitter and groomer so I always offer to groom them while they are here. I would let them know that it is also very painful for them to be brushed out while they have matts. Sometimes even causing lesions or bald spots. Be nice and polite but be straight forward. Sometimes it doesnt mean they are bad parents, they just didn't do their homework on the breed before getting them. If youre not willing to brush out that $2000 labradoodle or pay to have it done at least monthly..then get a lab. :)