
Has anyone ever been asked to watch dogs who aren't vaccinated?

I just had a request by someone who says they are holistic and don't believe in vaccines. I am not sure how to respond (other than a flat out "no") as it may put me and my dog at risk.

3 Answers

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You can certainly refuse service for any unvaccinated dog. Moreover, it may actually be against the law if the dog hasn't been vaccinated against rabies. They can opt out of any of the other shots, but not rabies. They may be able to get fewer shots over the years because holistic vets will do titer tests to check the level of antibodies already existing in the dog's system and then provide documentation to health authorities that the dog is still safe.

From Rover's Terms of Service:

2.2 does not provide Pet Care Services....Pet Owners and Service Providers are solely responsible for making decisions that are in the best interests of themselves and their pets. For example, each user of the Rover Service is responsible for keeping current his or her own pet’s vaccinations, and we will have no liability for anyone’s failure to vaccinate his or her pet.

2.10 3. Eligibility; Legal Compliance. By accessing and using the Rover Service, you certify that you: (1) are 18 years of age or older, and (2) will comply with all laws and ordinances applicable to your activities conducted through For Pet Owners, this means, among other things, that you will ensure that your pets are vaccinated and licensed as required by local law.


Yes. Since my dog and his friends are kept current on preventative care, I will not care for those that are not. They're welcome to find someone else. Only once that I recall did the person reply rudely. Thanks Karen for sharing the TOS 2.10 3! That's a great point to reference in messages.


Vaccinations actually last much longer than the required yearly boosters are said to be needed. I care for many elderly pets who most likely do not need vaccines (except rabies which is required by law). Vets can now do titer testing to validate whether or not a booster is needed.

If your pets are vaccinated, they are protected.