
Have you been able to do this full time? [closed]

Hi! I was wondering if any of you experienced sitters out there have been able to do this successfully "full time". I'm really loving this, and am going through all the tips for self-promotion, and have been getting more business, which is great.

Maybe I'm not calculating this correctly (Math is not my strong-suit), but if I were to be making a living wage at this, I'd have to be doing 8 to 10 check-ins/walks a day. That's a lot of gas and travel time to factor in as well. I'm not counting on house-sitting since those are more sporadic. (Also as a side note, I can't offer boarding because I have an anxious cat and a skittish rabbit in my house).

If any of you have success stories with being able to do this enough to where you can pay your bills, I'd love to hear your tips and advice. Thank you so much for your time! :)

Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Megan B.
close date 2018-04-09 10:19:46.628883

2 Answers

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Hello Megan, I agree with the previous answer. It really did hit all the key points to really do this role full time you need to focus on a short distance area to you like that 3 mile radius. I only focus on that same radius which is a combination of many apartment buildings and homes. I actively market to people in that area and my current clients I provide them my business cards to share with neighbors who have pets. Doing this has been effective on currently building out a steady list of clients and being able to commit to this as my career. I wish you the best of luck and here is to much success to you.


Thanks, Robert. One of my concerns is that I don't think I'll be able to get enough clients in that tight of a radius. The neighborhood where I live is kind of spread out, and not particularly affluent. I've got my radius at 12 miles, and hope that I can continue to add clients until I'm full time.


I do! While it was a tough decision for me to make, I am SO happy I did! I used to teach and was doing Rover on the side, but after doing calculations like you mentioned yourself, I decided that I could do this. I have since also started a private business outside of Rover, but it is new, so Rover is still my main source of income currently. The most important thing that I think should be mentioned is regarding taxes - you will want to make sure that you are paying quarterly taxes to avoid receiving a penalty come tax time. I use QuickBooks Self-Employed, which keeps track of my mileage, receipts, income, business expenses, and gives me an estimated tax payment due each quarter. It has been a HUGE help! As for your point about travel time and gas, I narrowed my radius down after I reached a point where I felt comfortable with the number of weekly clients I had. It is currently at 3 miles and I prefer to spend 15 minutes or less in travel time to each client. I only offer drop-ins and walks and my daily goal is similar to yours, I like to do at least 8 every weekday and I typically do 3-5 on Saturdays and Sundays, though I occasionally block off one weekend day. I would make sure you have enough savings to get you through several months of bills in case it takes more time than anticipated to reach your daily goal or doesn't work out. Daily clients are really the best source for predictable, weekly/monthly steady income, so they are what I prefer. I also do WAG walks (a separate app) when needed to fill my schedule, which has been helpful and perhaps you could check it out!


Hi Hillary! This is so encouraging to hear. Thank you so much for your detailed answer.