
Does the Rover app work with the Apple Watch? Do you have one that you use when walking dogs, and is it helpful?

Do you use an Apple Watch when walking dogs? I was wondering if it was helpful. I’m thinking of getting one to help avoid getting my phone out and putting it away repeatedly. Does the Rover app work with the watch?


helpful to me

2 Answers

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Not sure if the App works on the Apple watches but it does not have a camera so you'll still need your phone to capture pictures during the event


Actually, I no longer take pictures on my walks because it takes my attention away from the dog and my surroundings. For me it’s a safety issue. There are probably circumstances that I will take pictures but as a general rule, I don’t.

I have been tried to install this app on the Apple watch and I saw that it doesn't work. I am a frequent user of iPhone and recently I have been tried to change Apple id and password and I got an error when I took assistance from and they assisted me nicely.


I am using brand new apple watch it gives me the many new features through this I can easily work with my iPhone but sometimes my iTunes not respond in according to the Apple watch command its shows error 4013 and I don't know how to get the solution for this problem. I already visit a website also for the solution that is:- (error 4013)