
Why is my review rate 50% when every client that has booked me has reviewed me?

All my past stays show "reviewed" next to them yet my review score is 50%

2 Answers

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I believe the "reviewed" next to your past stays is if YOU reviewed them, not the other way around. Did you get an email from Rover each time with the subject "You just got a 5-star review—check it out"? When I look at your profile I see that you have 13 reviews, does that match how many clients you've had?

Like Walt said, only you and Rover support can see those performance scores, so it would likely be best to reach out to them.


The community cannot see your performance scores and cannot provide you a good answer. I would suggest your contact Rover support @ [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team]