
Who provides the dogs food?

I just started with Rover. Had my first meet and greet. It went well... I provide the dog food? Or does the dog owner???? Anything else I should be thinking of to ask????


Thank you all. Your feedback was very helpful!!

3 Answers

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The owner usually provides the food during my bookings...if you'd like to purchase the food though I'm sure they'd appreciate it.


The owner provides food and everything else the dog needs for the stay. But I keep extras of everything in case the owner forgets something. I also use Amazon Now which delivers within 2 hours. And during and after Hurricane Irma I had potable water thanks to my Berkey water filter. You should have your own poop bags, towels, brushes -- owners will rarely bring these. Welcome !


Owners definitely need to provide all food, meds, a leash and anything else they think their dog may need. Just before the stay, I send a note to the owner with a list of things they must bring and others that are optional. I supply poop bags and have extra bowls and beds and lots of toys, but tell owners if their dog has a special affinity for an item, then bring it. Also, if the dog might be a little anxious away from home, then they should bring a used T-shirt (or anything with their scent) that I'll put in the dog's bed to make him feel a bit more at home.