
Any easier way for clients to add cats and other pets to owner's profile?

For multiple pets, Rover has add a dog feature, but many of my clients don't add their cats or other pets because they are looking specifically for the words'cat' or 'other pet'. Currently I have to explain over and over that they need to choose Add a Dog, go to Breed, scroll to the bottom and choose Cat. The feedback I get from clients is that it is not Intuitive or user-friendly (and why would Cats be under dog breed???). Clients also sometimes think there is no charge for taking care of the cats, so it's disappointing for them and awkward for me to explain this at meet and greets.

Anyone else having this problem?

2 Answers

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Suggest to the client that they need to make the suggestion to Rover. Rover needs customer feedback on the website. I truly do not think Rover has ever solicited customer advice on its website, like creating an easier way to search by zipcode.


I was with "dogvacay" and they said just to leave the dog breed blank and put beside the cats name (cat) i'm from Canada,

for the other question from Karen.R. I would use the app or their email and when they ask "rate the client" I found it easy to search and find people using postal codes..