
I have a 10yr old female and she is very home sick, what can I do to help her through this?

I have a 10 yr old female who is very home sick , how do I make her feel better, she has only been here since last night and I have her for 12 days. She is very sweet and loveable, I feel really bad, I don't know how to get her to not be sad?

2 Answers

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I agree, it usually takes them a few days. Especially older dogs that are not use to being away from their owners. I always ask owners to bring something from home like a dog bed or favorite blanket just so the dogs have the scent from home. I just has a 14 year old dog for 12 days and she was so skittish and wouldn't let us come near her and spent the most part of the stay under my bed. We just let her be and finally about half way through the stay she came out and at least sat on the couch with us.


Give her time, many dogs can be very anxious the first 24h so just give her some time. You can also try to reproduce her normal routine as much as you can, give her extra tasty treats, take her on nice walks if she is physically fit. But like I said, a little time usually does the trick.