
do you give repeat clients a reduced rate, if so what amount?

I am not sure if I should give a repeat customer a reduced rate

3 Answers

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No, I do not give repeat customers a discount. I have to echo what others have said. Your rates reflect both the market as well as your time and effort. Don't sell yourself short. Customers who ask for discounts are usually going to be pains in the neck. Do kennels give discounts for repeat customers? I'm pretty sure they do not. If you frequent a dry cleaners all the time, do you ask for a discount? Do people ask their regular babysitters for discounts? Because you are a home-based business, people think you aren't a real business. But your time has a value. The dog is getting 3 walks a day, which in my area would cost at least $45. Point out what a bargain they are already getting since your daily rate not only includes walks, but feeding and more.


I think this is up to you. I typically offer repeat clients a discount. I have found that they end up telling me they will pay me the full amount anyway because they love having their dog with me. They are happy that I offered, and most times, I still get my full rate. If you are not willing to take a discount, don't feel that you have to offer a reduced rate. Charge what you feel you are worth, but know if other sitters in your area charge less, you may lose the business eventually. I try to keep an eye out on my nearby market rates as well. Good luck!


Im not sure if this is in the right spot but I reduced my rates. Would it be okay for me to tell past clients about it?


This is your business, as long as something is not against Rover ToS then you should do what is good for you and your business. Personally, if I was lowering my rates I'd only do so to drum up business, and there's no better place to start than repeat clients.