
do you have dog information sheets or meet and greet sheets?

Do you have meet and greet forms or client/dog information sheets for them to fill out and if so where do I find them

Also check on the Pet Business Insurance site their was a code for people where do i get that code from for purchase insurance .

Thank you Sue

2 Answers

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Hi Sue - are you looking at insurance from PSA? IF so the code is PETS Hope this helps


I can help with the first part of your question.

Many people have developed their own Meet and Greet forms and/or information sheets, but Rover provides a checklist here that you can use as a jumping off point:

Also, once a stay is booked, information regarding vet contacts, feeding, etc. will be available on your itinerary for that stay.

Unfortunately I don't have any answers for your second question about insurance, other than to point you to Rover's plan, which I don't think is what you're talking about.

Best of luck!