
Writing reviews on client's dogs

Silly question but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere:

When you write a review on your client's dogs after the stay is over - do the clients see that particular review you wrote about their furbaby? I'm just wondering! :)



No the review is for you to go back and see the notes about a particular dog. So NO the owner or anyone for that matter sees your review. Now when they write you a review and you answer that is posted to the site so make you answer those short and sweet so other potential clients see that you appreciate those reviews.

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So what's the point of writing a review on the dogs we sit if we can't review what we wrote? Is it for the other sitters to read what we wrote so they can see the dog's experiences from when they stayed with us? Can you please clarify? Thanks! :-)


No, it is not for other sitters to view either. In fact, many sitters here have indicated to Rover how beneficial it would be to see other sitters' comments about a dog. Whether Rover acts on that request is anybody's guess. As it currently stands, sitters' reviews of dogs is fairly pointless.


Laura, do you mean that we can't "see" the text we entered. I was putting in notes for future reference. Guess I better get a notebook!


I will make notations on the Dog Info Sheet that the owner had filled out and keep them in a binder. Sorry, very paper-based here.

I have JUST gotten away from writing EVERYTHING down. But, I suppose I will start for this. Thanks!

There is an Edit Dog Notes option on the dog's page, where you can input notes. I notate what time they like to eat, when they typically do #2s, and if they particularly enjoyed walking in a specific area. But I also keep a paper based log as well.


Nope. It's only shared with Rover. After you've submitted your review, you'll be able to see the star rating you assigned, but you can't retrieve the text you entered.