
Tips to stop MALE dogs from urinating all over your house

Whether neutered or not, I find nearly every male dog I watch will mark in different places in my home by urinating. Only the males. I've had no choice but to keep dogs confined to the back of my house via a half-door between the kitchen and living room / bedroom areas. The back of my home is my family room and office, which now smells terrible. I've cleaned the carpet several times with Natures Miracle carpet cleaner and other chemicals. The carpet now has to be removed and replaced with flooring tiles when I can eventually afford it.

I know this is natural for male dogs when in a new home, especially when around other dogs. I wish there was some way to stop these little urine puddles on every vertical surface, wall, table leg, corner etc. My own dogs never do this.


As far as deodorizing the carpet, Nature's Miracle is useless. I went on Amazon and bought a carpet deodorizing solution called Bubba's Pet Stain and Odor Terminator. It's a little pricey, $40 a gallon, but it did a fantastic job.

Thanks for the tip!! I hae same issue with Carrie. Definitely will try to check Bubba's and use that expense as my write off tax.

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There is another recent thread with ideas about marking:


I’d like to have an answer for our situation.

I often see answers of “make sure to let the dogs out enough, for a long enough duration“, but we usually let the dogs out in the backyard, or take them for a walk, every couple of hours, and at least 20 minutes each. PLENTY of time for them to empty their bladders.

Yet males AND females, always come back in the house and pee. Several spots, throughout the day. It’s causing lots of tension in the house and stress.

I understand that the OCCASIONAL dog will pee as it’s a new place. Usually once. Maybe twice.

But dogs we have watched several times before, will pee all the time, everywhere.

We are very caring and loving. We do not yell at them. We don’t do anything that scares them.

We clean old pee spots up with enzyme remover and they still smell the old spots, as well as create new spots.

We don’t want to stop pet-sitting. As we need the income and we love animals. But this makes absolutely no sense to us that we let them out plenty, and they are familiar with our house, especially if they are repeat clients, yet they still Pee everywhere. Sometimes, the more we watch them, the more it seems they pee.

I see lots of people are saying to get doggie diapers, but wouldn’t this only work for males? Males AND females are peeing all over our house. As well as we often take photos and videos of the dogs we are watching, so the owners know that they are doing fine, and we don’t want them to see diapers on them and get upset with us. But it would be a pain in the butt to take them off every time we were going to take a photo or video, and then put them back on.


We recently had a neutered male dog as a guest. HIs owner brought a belly band with him and we used it the first day. We didn't put it on after that and had no problems even when he was left alone. Dogs mark as you've said to deposit their scent. While some trainers believe that one should not allow dogs to mark on walks, there is no evidence that this decreases urine marking in the house. As a certified behaviorist, we take just the opposite approach - allow the dogs to mark as much as they want on walks, they get to deposit their scent all around, with the house sort of in the center of the 'territory' and therefore decreases the motivation to want to mark inside.
We've used a product called Anti Icky Poo for years to remove the odor, find it much superior to Nature's Miracle.
Would not hesitate to use a belly band though as a precaution as well, and test the dog for short periods without it.


I recommend for all of you Creolina it is very strong and won't left any smell behind....make sure you use a small amount. i highly recommend this product..if you use it you will remember what i can buy it at the link below or you can find the small bottle for $4 at the stores, depending where you get it from. (


We use belly bands as well. They are low cost, comfortable for the dogs and a carpet/furniture saver! We only keep neutered and spayed dogs but almost every male wants to hike, even though my home is clean. Belly bands are so worth it!


Don't forget: any supplies you purchase are tax deductible.


I use belly bands


I second the remark on using belly bands, I've found they are worth their weight in gold. Amazon sells them at a reasonable price, and you can also buy a bulk box of overnight slim pantyliners to use in them for cheap with free shipping usually.


What is a belly band

Belly bands I’ve never heard of, but “male wraps” they wrap around the belly and winky and prevents males from unnecasiry markings. I have one I have to use for some of my clients dogs ! They work soooo good. Mine was from a pet store but probably a lot cheaper on amazon


I'm not sure why people keep saying it is normal for male dogs to mark. This is not normal behavior unless they are not neutered or they were neutered later on in life. I digress, yes it is common for a male dog to mark the first time they enter your home, but it is not normal for that behavior to continue throughout the stay. I have plenty of experience in this area and I learned the hard way so I invested in belly bands of different sizes. Fortunately I haven't had the need to use them but I have them just in case because I had a terrible experience with a dog who marked the whole 5 days he was here. Also, if you have a marker don't give him access to the whole house, you'll have to confine him to an area where it's easy to clean up and it looks like that is what you are doing. As far as cleaning supplies, this one is hard because these dogs have that keen smell where even if you cleaned a spot a thousand times, they still pick up on the smell. One cleaner I have really liked so far is Pet Peeve Household Pet Stain and Stink Remover. I bought it on Amazon after reading all the good reviews it had. Good luck and let us know if you found a solution :)


Well, unfortunately the back room is carpeted and once that urine gets in there, no cleaner on Earth will remove a smell deep, deep down in the padding. Dogs always smell it. I am saving up to replace the carpet with flooring, but that is SO expensive. It's a large room. Still, nearly every single male dog I've watched will mark every surface he can outside, which is fine. Many of them mark inside the first 2 days, then slow down once he gets his smell in there, all around. But some male dogs never stop for days. I guess I have to go buy belly bands and hope they don't chew them off. I don't want to waste a lot of money. My own male dogs never mark inside the house.

Carrie, I empathise with you. Last year around this time I had several dogs marking inside my home, despite that all dogs went out for walks every four hours, and I was unprepared because my dog and many other visiting dogs never do that. Since then, I ask about marking during the meet and greet, along with any other behaviors, routines, and medical conditions which I should know about. If the pet-parent tells me their dog marks indoors or is incontinent (usually an age-related issue), I ask them to please provide the supplies needed (belly band, diapers, etc) along with the food to keep their digestion normal. That way you do not need to stock and store every sized item that you may need. I hope that helps.

Carrie, I bought the belly bands on ebay for super cheap. They were 3 for $20. Again, since I bought them, which is almost a year ago, I haven't had the need to use them but I have them there just in case. I also have disposable diapers. I personally have extras of everything.

Belly bands are a lifesaver! We also use Natures Miracle Urine Destroyer and it helps a LOT for those carpet issues. We also have a Rug Doctor carpet cleaner...expensive but so worth the money ! We are saving towards replacing the carpet with laminate.

The urine likely soaked into plywood subfloor and will smell again when humidity gets high. When replacing carpet, use stain blocker with lacquer base on the plywood sub-floor. Use carpet pad with top-liner stopping liquids soaking into pad, floor & stain blocker with lacquer base. Should help smell


You may also want to invest in belly bands in a few sizes (or make your own), and as policy put them on male dogs when they are dropped off for the first few hours, or day, or however long you need to prevent marking. Once a dog becomes more settled and have been shown the appropriate place to potty, they'll also 'remember' their house training a bit better, so most dogs likely won't need the bands for too long, even if there are known problem spots in the house.

As for the odor until you're able to redo your flooring, there are some good air filters/purifiers/deodorizers on the market. I have one of these: and I LOVE it. It really does help. Depending on the size of the area, a couple of those can make a huge difference.

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