
Is there a place to review a dog?

I have a dog who is going potty in my home despite taking him outside every hour. I was told he was potty trained but he is definitely not potty trained in my home. We can be outside for 10 to 15 minutes (or more) and within 30 seconds of coming back in he is going potty in the house. I can't take my eyes off him for a second.

Is there a way to view a dog rating before booking a stay? Can sitters review a dog that other sitter can see? It would be nice to know that he was not potty trained even though his owner says he is and I got the distinct feeling when she dropped him off she knew is was not potty trained. Unfortunately this was a last minute booking and we didn't do a meet and greet.

It's been a LONG 2 days and definitely not worth the $24.00


Are you charging under $20?! I learned that when you charge a nominal nightly fee, you attract bad clients. Just not worth it.

It was for 1 night and I charged $30 but after Rover takes their 20% my net was $24. It would be nice to have owner/dog reviews for sitters to review on Rover so owners can't be dishonest about their pets behavior.

2 Answers

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Is he a puppy? Most of us have a Puppy rate for this very reason, which is higher. Also, $12/ day? I would look into raising my rates overall. Hang in there!


He is not a puppy. He is about 10 years old. The rate was for one night ($30) am I not charging correctly? They dropped him off at 9am Saturday and are picking him up at 3pm today.

I would have charged for both days. It is 6 hours more than a 24 hour time period. You could have discounted the 2nd day as daycare but definitely more than 1 day. Was just thinking: at 10yo that's a lot of peeing. Hopefully it's not medical (although could be marking)

Oh that includes pooping too. :(


Hi Mary, Many of us have endured similar. but at this time Rover does not allow sitters to read each other's reviews. You can review the dog after the stay, but only Rover sees those. You can write dog notes, but only you can view those.

This demonstrates why I'd advise it's in your interests to do a meet & greet, even if that means turning down last minute requests. Although m&g doesn't always uncover all issues. To save your home & sanity, many use baby or pet gates or crates to keep dogs in a more easily cleaned area when not observed or use a leash to tether the dog to you, so wherever you go the dog goes, to prevent accidents.

There may be a couple alternative methods to learn more about a prospective dog. One possibility is if you hover over the dog photo album, you may see dates, first name and last initial that the dog stayed with another sitter and you could contact the sitter. Another option is if you chose to join the facebook groups mentioned, maybe other sitters in your area will exchange info.

At the time of booking, you could have charged an additional amount because that is well over the 24 hour period of 1 overnight (drop off 9 AM Saturday= pick up 9 AM Sunday)... 9AM-3 PM= 6 additional hours. Since you don't offer Day Care separately, you could charge partial overnight care for the overage (i.e your overnight is $30, so maybe $10 or $15).


Definitely a lesson learned on my part