
Where do you hand out business cards?

Where have you found is the best place to leave your business cards? I'm trying to build up my clientele and haven't had any success so far with the cards.

8 Answers

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I don't have cards yet myself, personally though I would simply stop in to pet stores, grooming salons, and local veterinarian offices. You can ask if you may leave some cards for them incase their customers inquire about our type of services. They could refer people, or they may possibly have a "community board" for this type of service referrals and advertising. Also, grocery stores will sometimes have a place for local services ads/flyers near the front door.


That's a great idea to go around town and place them in locations pet supplies are located as well as beauty salons and churches


I contacted some apartment complexes near my location about putting business cards in their New Resident packets. Most of the folks I talked to were fine with that (or with leaving a stack at the front desk). That was several months ago, and I still haven't done anything about it... :/


I bought the business cards, and wondered myself where the best places were to leave cards to promote future business. Thank you for asking this question!


I'm mostly distributing them by hand through friends and family.


I have also stopped in apartment offices and hotels that take pets and don't take pets. I ask the hotels that don't take pets to give to customers that need a sitter when they check in. I don't know if anyone has contacted rover for me because most of the time now I am booked with my repeat customers. When I walk the neighborhood with the dogs I keep some in my pack to handout to other neighbors walking their pets. I also keep some in the car door pocket for when I am driving in the neighborhood and see someone walking their dog(s). I introduce myself, tell them I live in the neighborhood, to please go onto my rover profile and check me out. If/when they say they take their dogs everywhere with them, I ask them to check me out and pass my cards to anyone they know who have dogs and may need pet sitting. I do the same thing at the grocery stores when I see someone with their pet. I don't know where all my repeat clients found me but keep getting your name out. Be confident, friendly, show interest in their dog -great time to ask some meet & greet questions as conversation. Always use Confident, Positive, Friendly Customer Service. They may not book with you but there is potential that they will remember you and recommend you.


I just received my first batch of business cards! I plan to put some up at a local pet store and the local dog park which has a bulletin board.


I just received my cards as well, and will be definitely handing them out at the dog park that we frequent often. Also, I have some at the Animal Defense Shelter, pet stores, and a few Vets in my area! I believe it is a really great idea to have your personal business cards on you at all times just in case you run into a potential future client!


I've distributed cards through: vet offices (gained some business, learned some of their staff also are sitters when off work, so promote their own) person to person at dog park (gained business, people thought dog I was caring for was mine) retail pet boutique (gained business) community homes - apartments, condos, SFRs offices or parks (gained business) Very important, like Kathleen said, to be confident, friendly, show interest in them or their dog if present. For the places that referred business, I went back and delivered human treats to thank them.

hotels (No business- already give work to a few larger bonded, insured 24x7 pet sitting companies w/multiple sitters) pet groomer/bakery (No business- already give work to those they know long time and/or sit themselves) churches/ schools (No business) local shelter (No distribution permitted)

I've also found some sitters very competitive, covering up /burying cards with their own -- and in one case even taking others. So, you need to re-visit regularly to check.