
Help! The dog I am sitting brought fleas! The owner said she did not know. ? How do i handle this ?

My dogs are on sentinel, but I want to make sure we break any cycle that was brought into the home via his bed etc, so i purchased a spray . She says she did not know and I know it her not her fault- I just want to be professional about it, Should I charge an inconvenience fee ? just for the price of the spray ? And how do I prevent ? Is it appropriate to ask for a flea check at the meet & greet ? THANKS

3 Answers

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Sentinel is great for heartworm but it only sterilizes the adult fleas, ( so basically it works as a birth control for fleas). I would either switch from Sentinel to something that does it all (Trifexis) or add on a monthly flea medication (Advantage, Frontline) that works and treats all the life stages of the flea. I would also check with your veterinarian to see if you could give the dogs a pill called, "Capstar". Castar pills work great and normally are around $5. The capstar pill starts working within 30 minutes and will kill all the fleas that are on your dogs. The only thing is that the medication is out of your pets system in 24 hours so you want to make sure that you follow up with your Sentinel if they are coming up due for their monthly treatment, As far as charging the client- I would not charge her for the flea spray but I would ask her about the pill and see if this is something she would like you to give to her pets. And yes at the meet and greets I will check the pets for fleas. I also ask owners what flea medication do they use and when was the last time they applied it on their pet. Best of Luck!


In order to get rid of the fleas that have been brought in, I would suggest washing his bed immediately and any other things he may have slept on/spent time on, such as blankets. If you have carpet, I would vacuum a couple of times a day for several days in a row to pick up any flea eggs. If you have rugs, make sure you vacuum those AND underneath them, as fleas like to lay their eggs in dark, low-activity places (like just under the edge of a rug). Another place to vacuum is in between the couch cushions if the dogs have been on the furniture. If you see a flea or two on your own dogs, I wouldn't be too alarmed. Sentinel prevents fleas from reproducing, so I would just try to squish them if you find them on your dogs. For your guest dog, I would recommend giving him a bath with plain blue Dawn dish soap to kill the fleas and wash them away. I don't think it is appropriate to charge the owner any fees, especially since they've already been through the checkout process to pay for his stay. You can, however, claim the spray that you bought on your taxes. Lastly, about the meet & greet, rather than doing a flea check, perhaps you could be more discreet and ask for vaccine records to be brought with them when they come for their meet & greet. Their vaccine record should include the date that they are due for their next box of whatever flea prevention they're on, so you can see whether or not the owner has them on a flea prevention. If they don't, then perhaps you could bring it up at that time.


Hi All!! Thanks so much! I have already washed....vacuumed....and applied Frontline to my dogs. I am relatively new to Rover, so I appreciate the advice. This was an emergency situation so there was not time for a meet and greet- so likely this could have been avoided. Thanks for the advice about vaccine/vet records, i need to be more diligent about it. Thanks all!