
Any suggestions regarding uneasy meet & greet?

I am a new rover sitter. I had a meet & greet with Chewie. He has been with at least 3 other sitters since Feb. However I am within walking distance of the owners home. I have 2 small dogs of my of them kept growling at Chewie. Mine is very reserved and protective. We have arranged for spending an hr. or so of more time together without the owner to see how things go before booking. I feel a little uneasy. Any comments?

3 Answers

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I'm assuming this is for a boarding request? I think your idea of a separate meeting with just you, your dogs, and Chewie without the parents. If everything goes ok, I would consider booking the stay. If not, because they are in walking distance, suggest drop in visits. For me, more than 2 drop in visits = my house sitting rate. So if they want more than 2 visits, and you are ok with it, charge them the house sitting rate, then detail how many visits and what times approximately these visits will take place. I have an upcoming stay where the client doesn't need me to spend the night but wants 3 visits a day, one at night for 2 hours, so I charged them my house sitting rate.


Yes, you're seeing the value of a meet & greet. That's fine that you arranged for a second meet & greet to see how things are without the owner around, though you likely realize you didn't have to offer that.

It sounds like this might be for boarding - If the dog will stay at your place, you definitely do not want to accept a booking for a dog that isn't compatible with you, your dogs, family or home. So, it was smart that you didn't book any service, especially considering your dog communicated his uneasiness.

If Chewie might be satisfied with walks and/or house sitting arrangements that you'd want to provide without your dogs present, that might be another way to care for Chewie while not having any tension between dogs.


I don't know if there is a clear right or wrong action for you, but here is an article I found on the Rover blog that talks a lot about Meet & Greets: (