
What if a client wants me to do two visits for two cats? Do I charge for two drop-in visits per day and for the additional cat?

What if a client wants me to do two visits for two cats? Do I charge for two drop-in visits per day and for the additional cat? How would I do this via the Rover platform?


I charge $10 for first cat, $5 for each additional cat, per visit, if I'm doing cat care only. If I'm there for dogs also, I will charge normal rate for the dog(s) and discount the cats.

2 Answers

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Yes, you would charge for 2 visits a day. Like Carmen said, the rate will depend on what you have set in your profile. I usually charge $15 for cat care for 1-2 cats if they are the only animals, otherwise it's $5 for cat care in addition to the other animal charges.


If you have a base price for one cat plus a nominal fee for a second cat, you would charge two visits at your two cat rate.

If you have not already set up such a rate structure on your profile, you can adjust the price up or down to become what you think that would likely be and modify your profile later.