
What is the cancellation policy if my travel plans change?

Never used Rover before, so just curious about cancellation policy if my travel plans change and I've already booked a sitter. Thanks!

3 Answers

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It depends on the sitter - each sitter can set their own policy. Be sure to ask any questions about this during your initial meeting. Here are the categories:

Help Center Sitters Payments What are the sitter cancellation policies?

As a sitter on Rover, you have the freedom to customize your business. Part of that includes choosing your cancellation policy.

What are the policy options?

Flexible A full refund is available if a client cancels before the beginning of the service. If canceled on or after the beginning of the the service, a 50% refund is available for the first seven days of the service, and a 100% refund is available for any additional days.

Moderate A full refund is available if a client cancels by 12:00pm the day before the service begins. 12:00pm is determined by the sitter's time zone. If canceled later than 12:00pm the day before the service begins, a 50% refund is available for the first seven days of the service, and a 100% refund is available for any additional days.

Strict A full refund is available if a client cancels by 12:00pm one week before the service begins. 12:00pm is determined by the sitter's time zone. If canceled later than 12:00pm on week before the service begins, a 50% refund is available for the first seven days of the stay and a 100% refund is available for any additional days.


hello i want to ask a question regarding this issue, so i was requested 15 days before the stay and the owner kept me pending for almost until an hour before she was supposed to drop her dog, and then cancelled on me , my cancellation policy was moderate so all this time it appeared that i'm unavailable in the search. and at the same time the cancellation policy didn't apply cause she didn't confirm all that time, now i changed my policy to strict but i want to ask what should i do if the owner keeps me pending even if the policy is strict ??


I would ask your sitter. I don't think we're bound by Rover's three policies. I recently had a pet owner who returned a day early. I "canceled" the stay and wrote a note in the "reason" box saying I wanted to refund a day. Rover refunded it within 12 hours. (I chose "flexible" as my policy. I think that says 50% refund in this circumstance. But, Rover refunded the day as I requested.).

So, I think you can negotiate it with the sitter. Especially with a newer sitter who is working harder to establish some reviews, etc.


(Pretty sure SHE is the sitter and the client's cancelled on her)