
Traveling sitters/walkers...what do you use for all of your stuff?

I just read and responded to a facebook post about this. I do mostly walks and drop in visits and now that it's warmer out (no jacket, so less pockets) I wear a mesh fly fishing vest that works out well for me. It has a lot of pockets so I can carry my cell phone, poop bags, keys (mine and my clients'), my business cards, lip balm, hand sanitizer, kleenex, and dog treats with room to spare! I also attach a small flashlight (for night visits) and Pet Safe Pet deterrent (like pepper spray for dogs) to the hooks on the front of the vest. It's on sale right now at Cabela's:


I just use a waist sack/fanny pack. I can fit my keys, cell phone,wallet etc....even room for treats 🐶

I didn't know they made those anymore! I used to have one a long time ago, but have no idea where it is now!

I just bought a fanny pack / utility belt looking treat pouch at PetCo. It was only $20 and I've only used it a couple times but I love it. Big enough for treats, phone, and hooks for keys, bags, and a spot for pepper stray.

2 Answers

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I try to keep it simple with just a dufflebag of clothes, toiletries, and a backpack with books/laptop/food. I would also recommend being proactive and keeping the home very clean (vacuum, clean dishes, etc) - it's not something many people would expect, but will be very happy to see when they arrive home after a long trip.


I use a hydration backpack. I'm in AZ so my main concern is water! Fill it up for myself and the pup to share. I clip a collapsible dog bowl and hand sanitizer to the back of the pack. Put extra doggy bags, napkins, treats, etc inside the pocket of the pack.

I also created a small "emergency clean up" duffle too which I bring with me (to the home not to carry around), just in case. Roll of paper towels, more hand sanitizer, lotion, personal spray deodorant (get any icky smells off me), wet wipes, fabreeze, water, nature's miracle spray bottle, disposable gloves, etc.