
How can I manage a dog that hates her crate?

I'm new to Rover and have been accepting dogs of all ages and sizes. A new client booked an overnight for her 6 mo old pup tonight, and I was happy to accept. Her owner said she needs to be in her crate if left alone and for sleeping. When they arrived this morning, the crate she provided for the dog was MUCH too small. The dog cannot stand up or extend her body in any direction. The second I put her in the crate, she started barking and yelping and generally freaking out. I desperately needed to run a couple errands, so put the dog into her crate and put her into a back room with the windows closed, some music on, and a treat to work on. When I returned she was totally beside herself. I've already taken her on two long walks and given her puzzles, but she's still so full of energy and I have no idea how I'm going to get her to calm down enough to actually sleep in the crate she hates! I've considered buying a larger crate for her to use for tonight, but I think her hatred for crates isn't just limited to her small one. Does any one have any suggestions to help me make it through the night?

5 Answers

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> the crate she provided for the dog was MUCH too small. The dog cannot stand up or extend her body in any direction.

Can you take a photo of the puppy in the crate, or laying next to it?

If the puppy really can't stand up, or extend her torso (with some leg stretch) I would go buy the proper size crate. That's abuse IMO. I would expect the puppy's owner to pay for it. I would definitely talk to Rover support about this.

(For example, if it is as bad as you say, and you have no other choice than to purchase the correct crate, I'm sure Rover could help the owner understand that they should reimburse you. If the owner won't reimburse you, I'm sure you could return it after wiping it down with a mild bleach, of course. But, I'd hate to be in that position, knowing someone's abusing a puppy? Should you call the humane society at that point? I'd really want Rover involved in this if it's as bad as you describe. The puppy should be able to stand up, and turn around, and lay down without being curled up. Maybe not extend its legs tip to tip, front to back. But, there should be some room to extend them laying front to back. Definitely if laying on the side, legs should be able to extend fully. EDIT: Maybe "extend considerably." Standing should allow for fully extended legs. )

A photo is the first thing. Maybe I'm overreacting.

I wouldn't assume she'll hate a proper-size crate. Puppies will whine anyway. I would work to help her like it. Give her a treat for entering it. After awhile, give a treat for you closing the door and opening it immediately. Then, a little more time with the door closed. Help her feel good about it if she feels bad about the one she has now (which, it sounds like she could be terrified of it). But, I wouldn't assume any objection is due to her experience with the first crate. She's probably going to whine because that's what puppies do. You just want to spend some time helping her feel good about it (without rewarding the whining). Use small bits of treats so you don't overfeed. Treat often, lots of wins for her. Baby steps. And then just view any whining as normal puppy stuff.


It really bothers me to hear that, too. I would not force her into a crate that size, and just buy one to keep. Then I'd have a spare and not torture the dog.


Always talk to your customer/rover customer support if you think it is more that you can handle.

Many puppies are don't like their crates and most likely the crate being bigger wont help his feelings towards it. Maybe try looking into crate training, always talk to your customer if there is any safely issue -they might be able to give you some helpful suggestions.

This are rover's tips on replying to reviews, but I feel they are good points to keep in mind any time you need to talk to your customer: •A brief, polite reply that sticks to facts is the most professional. •Focus on showing that you’re a caring sitter, not on showing that you’re right. •Not sure how to best reply? Call Rover Support.

Good luck!


Thank you everyone. I spoke with the owner and she gave me some ideas to help get the dog through the night (treats and quietly speaking to the dog while scratching her head). I did not get a photo of the dog in the crate, but that would have been a good idea. Next time I'll do that and contact Rover support, although I don't plan to watch this particular dog again.


A good tip for the future is to purchase your own crate. I board multiple dogs at one time, so I have a variety of sizes, but it has been well worth the money!! That way if you have a dog who doesn't fit into their any longer, like what happened to you, then you can simply upgrade them to a more appropriate size. If she cannot lay down in the crate then of course she is miserable!


How old is the puppy? What breed? If she has outgrown her crate, it's time to train her to be out of it. Often times owners get too comfortable using the crate and the dog eventually starts to react. Sounds like it's time to let her be a dog. :)


I feel that this advice is not appropriate for the given situation. If this dog belongs to you, then yes, you can begin that transition. However, it is not safe or advisable to have unknown dogs loose in your house. It's just not safe.

Dogs do not start to react to a crate with age. Crate use is a highly opinionated issue, and this response is based on personal preference, not facts. Instead, what is typical is that a dog becomes more comfortable with time. Many dogs love their crates and use them as a den.