
Why don't I show up in the Mobile app?

On the computer when I search sitters, I am typically in the top 5 sitters in my zip code for dog sitting in home, drop-ins and dog walking. However, when I search from the mobile app, I don't appear at all. Neither do almost all of the top people I see when I search on my computer. What's the difference? Am I losing potential customers because of this?

5 Answers

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You have be in private mode otherwise your computer will still save your settings. In the mobile phone app there's no way for you to log out to get a true sense of where you ranking.


In the beginning, I didn't show up either, but now after speaking directly to Rover customer service, I always do whether it is on the computer or app, and when I'm logged in to Rover. Now though, I have been looking for a friend of mine who is starting up, and I can't find her yet either? May have to give them a call again! By the way, they are very helpful and supportive, whenever I call, so don't be afraid to call them directly!


I wonder if your search parameters are set differently on your computer? (maybe one only searches sitters and not boarding). There's also "auto-availability" that will remove you from showing up in searches when your available slots are filling up.


I have plenty of spots available. Even when I view the map where it shows pinpoint of where each sitter is, the #1 guy for dog walking on my computer doesn't even show on the app.


If you are logged into Rover, you will never show up in search results. Perhaps you are automatically considered logged in when you are using the app.


I feel like this isn't true only because I'm logged in when I search on my computer.

I don't show up in search results if I am logged into my computer. I will use the map function and drill down to my neighborhood and I am not there at all. I have checked on other browsers, where I am not logged in, and I will eventually show up.


Hi Ashley: I have never done a search on the mobile app, until now! And yes, I don't show up in any searches on the mobile app either. I did find, however, a sitter that lives closer to me than the ones that show up on my desktop searches (along with the ones that always show).....interesting,