
Do I need to fill out any sort of tax form or pay taxes working through this site/company?

just curious as to whether I will have to pay back taxes or fill out any sort of tax form for this company.

5 Answers

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I don't think so.


You should report your Rover earnings on a Schedule C, where you can deduct any expenses you incurred, such as poop bags, advertising, supplies, etc. You do not need any forms from Rover or Paypal to report your earnings. As Rosie said, if you get paid via Paypal, you can print out the monthly/annual statements form them as proof of income.

My rule of thumb is to set aside 30% of my net income (you do not report fees deducted by Rover, just what you receive). Then quarterly I will send in an estimated tax payment. See for details on estimated taxes.


Can you write off mileage?


I did not receive any tax forms at the end of the year. However, now that payment can be sent directly to paypal, at the end of the year you can print an earning statement directly from the site. I've been doing this for the last two years and my account is pleased with this print out.


I would set aside 25% of your earnings in a separate account. Yes, you will get a 1099 at the end of the year if you make over $600 and have to pay taxes on it. The good news is that you can itemize anything you buy for your dog friends, or anything they destroy, or even a portion of your home. Keep your receipts!


Rover supposedly only sends 1099s if you get paid by check, but I really doubt they send them under any circumstance.

I can only speak for myself, of course, but Rover did send me a 1099 (by email).


Hi, Diamond,

Here is information from Rover corporate:

Also, hopefully this thread from the Q and A forum will help you out:

Good luck!