
Can I send messages out to past clients about my prices lowering?

How can I let past clients know if I drop my prices. I feel I may have lost a client due to my rate being too high for them.

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Yes, but if you're copy/pasting, you need to at least hit the space key to get the system to acknowledge you're sending a message. I ran into this same problem recently when I was sending out a mass email to my regulars.


I raised my rates after the first 6 months of sitting. By that time, I'd racked up enough good reviews to justify it. I sent out a message to all of my past clients letting them know I would honor my original price with them, as a thank you for trusting me with their pets before I'd made a name for myself. I have a list of all of those clients saved so I know if I get a request from one of them to adjust the rates, for everyone else the rate is higher.

Unfortunately, there isn't a way on Rover to send out a mass message to all of your clients, so you have to send it one at a time.


Hi Sandy:

You can go into the Past Stays tab of your email and find past clients there. You'd just click on their name to send a new email message.


Yep, I don't see why not!