
If a sitter once worked from home but has to work out of the home for up to 6 hours, do you state that in your profile bio or tell clients at the M&G?

Unfortunate out of home worker needs advice?

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I would add that on your profile that way you can weed out all the dogs that need constant care, can't be left alone, anxiety issues or even potty breaks. I find lots of owners assume we are with their dogs 24 hours a day so I think it should be clear on your profile so there is no surprises at the meet and greet. Although, I have found that some people schedule meet and greet without reading the sitter's profile. Assuming that is the case,when they schedule a meet and greet let them know before you meet about your availability to stay with their dog.


Your profile should give a general overview of what a day in your home looks like, and then during your conversations with the owner over Rover you should be telling your potential clients what the stay would be like for their dogs. In your case, that might look something like "my work takes me out of the home for up to 6 hours on [days]." and then letting owners know your schedule for the time frame of the stay when you get a request so they know what to expect. There's no point in leaving scheduling information out until the M&G if a client's dog needs constant supervision.


The level of care and close supervision provided should be included in your Profile. There are many sitters who may work or go to school and might potentially leave a dog alone for a period of time. That you might be gone for up to six hours is definitely something you need to disclose in your profile and reiterate during the M&G. There are many dogs who cannot be left alone for that length of time.

I tell owners that I do go out for short periods, usually not any longer than three hours. However, I do not leave a new dog alone at all during the first couple of days and am confident there shouldn't be any problems.


I think that total honesty is the best way to handle any business transaction. If this information was not passed on to the owner, you may be charged with sitting a dog that needs to go out every 3 hours or suffers from anxiety if left alone. How would your home look then? It is to ever one's best good if there is nothing hidden