Pet Sitting & Drop Ins in Southern Oaks, Bakersfield, CA

Book a pet sitter to stop by your home a few times a day to feed and play with your dog.

I'm looking for service for my:
House Sitting
Drop-In Visits
Doggy Day Care
Dog Walking
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Pet parents in Southern Oaks, Bakersfield, CA love dog sitters on 185 owners have reviewed sitters in Bakersfield, giving them an average rating of 5.0/5. 95% of reviewed stays have received a perfect 5-star rating, and 92% of pet parents live within a short drive of a dog sitter on Rover. That means Rover is the perfect place to go when you're search for loving, safe care for your best friend. Wondering how much you can expect to pay for a day on Rover? Check out our average pet sitting rates to get an idea before you start a conversation with a sitter.

Never beg a friend to drop in on your pets while you're on vacation again. With Rover, you can find the perfect Southern Oaks, Bakersfield pet sitter in seconds. Sitters on Rover are pet lovers, who will be happy to sit dogs, cats, caged pets, and even horses while they take care of your home. By removing common pet care obstacles, Rover ensures pets nationwide are happy and well-cared for even when their human is away, and empowers pet lovers to live happy and fulfilling lives. Founded on the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the unconditional love of a pet, Rover makes it easy for you to reach trusted pet sitters in Southern Oaks, Bakersfield who can provide the care your pet needs, when they need it.
