If a dog could tweet, this is pretty much exactly what they’d have to say. Brought to life by Matt Nelson, creator of the blockbuster We Rate Dogs account, the daily messages cover all the interests of the average dog, from peanut butter obsession to pesky squirrels (this one’s named Gary).
Here are some of our favourite dog thoughts so far.
you cannot. spoil me. if i already. deserve the world
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 10, 2017
— Miss Yaya (@SometimesYaya) August 10, 2017
my favorite. pastimes. include:
7. the snooze
• stick reviews
2. staring at. the skittle
3. zoom tutorials
b) loving you
2. peanut butter— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) September 5, 2017
ok. let me summarize. we went. on a big walk. to some water. that i splish splashed in. then. we walked back. it was. dare i say. magical
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 11, 2017
— ??????? (@2SetLarryFree) August 11, 2017
sometimes. i fall asleep. easily. other times. it’s like. let me think. all the thoughts. i’ve ever thunk. real quick. i want. peanut butter
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) September 1, 2017
do not worry. if you forget. about. my constant need. for affection. i will remind you. with many nudges
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 14, 2017
— Anthony Chez (@AnthonyChezz) August 14, 2017
a rule. i live by. is. if the crack. in the door. is shnoop wide. or bigger. i am entering
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 1, 2017
i remember. when i was. addicted to. the sproing boing. wall toy. behind the door. now i walk past it. and scoff. for i am better. than it
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) September 6, 2017
Me too – Mickey, now 4 pic.twitter.com/qfWoxielee
— dcallejon ✌???? (@dcallejon) September 7, 2017
alert. breaking news. i love you
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 2, 2017
sometimes. i will. bork up the household. for no reason. at all. a practice run. if you will. for when the house. actually needs. borking up
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 28, 2017
i am. puzzled. and also. skeptical. when does a house. not need borking up? pic.twitter.com/cZ3zDOcRIB
— Cathy Bell ???????????? (@CathyMBell) August 28, 2017
things. that make me. smile:
5. sticks
f. my human
2. water {solid state)
2) good pats
b. overthrowing. the patriarchy
1. long snoozes— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) July 12, 2017
every time. you shake. my paw. a contractual. agreement. is formed
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 2, 2017
i. am a:
⚪️ koala
⚪️ jungle. tortoise
???? pupposeeking:
⚪️ noggin pats
⚪️ passionate boops
⚪️ permission. to zoom
???? all of. the above— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 22, 2017
— athena berreth ???? (@eggberreth) August 22, 2017
top. annoyances:
5. gary {the squirrel. i named. gary)
h. leash tangles
2. inside out. ear
2. fragile sticks
a. the hardwood
9. Keith Urban— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) July 26, 2017
— On the come up (@edwardsbrando) July 26, 2017
snooze. you lose? please. a snooze. is always. a victory
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) June 30, 2017
I concur. Think I will have a victory now. pic.twitter.com/oqN5Sxy7V4
— Andrew Golddog (@GolddogAndrew) June 30, 2017
i would like. to kindly. request. a lengthy. snug
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 30, 2017
things that make. me happy. that might also. make. you happy
4. a good stick
3. long hugs
8. unexpected food
2. zooms
5. love. reciprocated— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 13, 2017
i would like. your attention. please… not because. i’m about. to say something. important. i just like attention
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 6, 2017
Penny for your thoughts? pic.twitter.com/PYc5dZG3ra
— Charles Dogwin (@CharlieDogwin) August 6, 2017
i found. such a nice stick. on my walk. this morning. carried it. all the way back home. but was denied. entry. until i let go. of it
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 31, 2017
all aboard. to snoozetown. first stop. i love you
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 7, 2017
i’d slide. across. a million. hardwood floors. for you
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 17, 2017
— 〰 (@squiggly_line_) August 17, 2017
i grrrborked. at the hurricane. on the tv. it did not. do much. i apologize
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) September 8, 2017
i am. the best guard dog. like. you can’t slip. by me. unless you pet me. and tell me. i’m good. then. you can. usually pass. quite easily
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 15, 2017
every. good boy’s. weakness pic.twitter.com/r0ShXd7y2A
— cølin (@colinlemke) August 15, 2017
i. am on the verge. of the snooze. just wanted. to mention. that i love you. like. big time
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) July 30, 2017
you. can measure. my love. in tail thuds. against the floor. per minute
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) August 1, 2017