Irish Setters are one of the most eye-catching breeds about. The long auburn coat, big brown eyes and soft-as-silk ears, along with their unbeatable exuberance for life mean that Irish setter lovers are lifetime fans. But along with that butter-wouldn’t-melt expression comes some daily struggles that every Irish setter owner will definitely relate to.
The Stubbornness
They may be pretty to look at, but the stubborn streak that comes with that lovely coat can drive even the most patient of owners crazy…
The Barking
Thinking about getting and Irish Setter? Get some earplugs and warn the neighbours. Loud doesn’t even start to describe how noisy these guys can be…
And talking of loudness…
Setters are a pretty vocal breed. Along with the loud barking, many setters insist on joining in their humans’ conversations too with their own setter form of ‘talking’. Food and walkies usually feature pretty high on the conversation agenda…
The mud
Along with a wilful zest for life, comes a wilful zest for puddles. And streams, mud, the sea, dung heaps, grassfields, sandpits, dust bowls, the list goes on. If there is something that is going to mess up it’s beautiful coat, you can be sure your Irish setter is going to find it. Then roll in it.
Grooming Nightmares
Long haired coat + love of rolling in mud = a LOT of grooming
What’s yours is mine
You know how it is… long day at work, favourite show on tv, you’re looking forward to snuggling into your favourite chair and…. Oh wait, someone else is in it. And are they going to move? Nope.
Escape Artists
Don’t let the dopey-eyed expression fool you, when it comes to escaping, Irish setters are cleverer than they look. Opening doors, burrowing, eating their way through, you name it, if your setter wants to find a way out of somewhere, they will….
They don’t get how big they are
It was fine to sit on your lap as a puppy, so why can’t your setter sit on your lap now?
Owners of large dogs can also relate to this one.
Career Criminals
Irish setters have a sneaky side that may take you by surprise when you realise your favourite hairbrush, pair of shoes or a three-tiered red velvet cake (true story…) has disappeared.
However, no matter how many times your socks get stolen, your dinner parties are interrupted by unwanted guests or you have to brush half a forest out of your setter’s coat, you can never stay mad with them. Why? Because one look at a face like this and everything is forgiven.
Are you the proud parent of an Irish Setter and have funny stories, pics or videos to share of your pooch being precious? Why not share those moments with us on Facebook. In case you don’t know, isn’t just about adorable dog videos, we also have plenty of dog walkers and sitters who offer dog boarding in your area!