You’ll recognize a puppy person by a certain faraway look in their eyes…is it love? Amazement? Mere exhaustion and sleeplessness? If they’re raising a puppy, it’s probably a combination of all of the above.
While dog people, in general, have an awful lot in common, there are certain truths that only someone who’s raised a puppy is familiar with. From the yuck factor (the way they walk through their own poop) to the awww factor (the way they squeak in their dreams), we’ve compiled 14 things only someone with a puppy can understand.
No shoe is safe
Not even one with your foot still inside it.
Toilet paper: it’s not just for humans
Ain’t no party like a puppy party ’cause a puppy party don’t stop
You can stare at toes for hours
Humps happen
And frankly, it’s often hilarious when they do.
Anything can be a pillow
Shoes, arms, teddy bears, other members of the family…a puppy is liable to fall asleep anywhere.
There is literally nothing cuter than puppy sneezes…
…except maybe puppy snores
Froglegs are a delicious treat
The world is one giant piddle pad
Paper towels are no match for sharp puppy teeth
Much like their smaller counterpart, the toilet paper roll, paper towels in a puppy household are always at risk of attack.
Walking through the door is cause for celebration
The best part of your day is the best part of your puppy’s day, too: the moment you get home.
A puppy is a puppy (even if that puppy is huge)
Nothing beats puppy snuggles
Okay, we can think of one thing that might be as good as snuggles from a puppy: snuggles from a dog who used to be a puppy, and will be your devoted friend for the rest of its life. If you’ve raised a puppy, tell us all about it in the comments!