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received badge  Nice Answer (source)
commented answer How do I see my reviews?

If you click the link in the email rover sends after the stay to "review your stay" and write a review, those are sent to Rover only and you cant look at them later . You can add personal notes to stays for future reference but it is separate. I have found it occasionally but can't locate it now

received badge  Necromancer (source)
answered a question Does anyone have experience in mixing people food with dog food? Which foods are best?

Cooked chicken, carrots, certain rices.

answered a question Does anyone know where I can buy Blue Buffalo cheap?

Amazon seems to have low prices. You can also use sites like "retail me not" to try to find coupons for 1800petmeds and petco. If you sign up for newsletters from various pet supplies they will send you coupons. Buying in bulk also saves money in the long run.

answered a question Does anyone have experience with 'doggy prozac'?

I tried anti anxiety medicine and a sedative with my 6lb chihuahua when travelling on a plane. Each dog is different and will respond differently. I recommend talking closely with your Vet and explaining your dogs personality. My dog can be high strung in public so my vet wanted to use anti anxiety medicine so that he would be calm while travelling oppose to knocking him out and fearing that he would wake up and panic. Sadly the anxiety medicine ended up making him strange and anal (sniffing each corner of the house for hours at a time). The sadative medicine worked well. When he woke up on the plane he would panic for a few seconds, feebly attempt to escape and then fall asleep.

answered a question What tried and true carpet cleaners do you prefer?

I prefer spot shot

answered a question How often should I brush my dog's teeth?

It is recommended to brush dogs teeth daily. This is a tall order. To make it easier on yourself find a paste that your dog enjoys tasting and place his toothbrush and toothpaste in a place you will see it everyday (bed side table). Typically smaller dogs have more dental issues so you should be more regimented if you have a small breed. There are other ways to keep dental hygiene maintained such as dental bones (greenies, virbac), water additive (tropiclean), and high grade food.

answered a question Inexpensive, hands-off puppy boredom cures?

What works best for my dog are puzzle toys ( he loves the rolling ball that ejects food and treats), bully sticks and other bones (chewing tires out dogs), and having puppy play dates.

answered a question Why do dogs roll on dead bugs?

My dog also does this. He loves to roll in anything that I would deem "gross". This is in dogs DNA to want to cover their scent by rolling in particularly stinky things. Just like how we like the smell of certain things i.e. perfume, fruits, cookies, dogs have preferences too. Typically though, we do not share those preferences.

I avoid letting my dog do this by keeping him on a leash when outside and using the command "leave it" when I see him approaching said smelly stuff.

answered a question How can I get my dog to stop eating cat food?

You can put your cats food in an area that the dog can't reach. You can also feed the animals at the same time so that they both eat their food at the same time and then put away what ever is left after so many minutes. You can also teach your dog the command "leave it" so that when he walks towards it you can use the command and he will learn that he is not to touch it.

answered a question How do I stop my dog from eating rabbit poop?

There are various ways to keep your dog from doing this.

You can keep him on a leash and pull him away from it. You can also train your dog with the command "leave it", so that when he is going towards it you can use the command (comes in handy for various reasons). You can also bring treats outside with you to lure him away from the poop, but this may end up enforcing bad behavior.

answered a question What is a rover reel?

Rover reel is a short slideshow of the photos you took while dog sitting, house sitting, so on. It combines the photos all in one spot for you and the client.

answered a question How can I rate my Rover sitter?

After using a sitter, you should receive an email with a link to review (check your spam and that your rover account is connected to you current email address). If you do not receive this email, you can go to http://Rover.com, messages, and click on "Past Stays". From there find the sitter you want to review, click it, and on the right hand side you will find a button that says "write a review"

answered a question How can I make my dog smell better?

Dogs smell can be related to various things such as diet, allergies, breed, ear infections, and bathing.

Typically a healthier diet leads to better skin and smells. Cheaper grade food will have ingredients that don't promote healthy skin and oils.

Sometimes when dogs have allergies, they will itch and lick themselves more causing stenches from their saliva. Greenies and other dental bones can help with breath as well as using dog toothpaste to brush their teeth. Some breeds just have a general musk because they secrete more oils.

Sometimes when your dog has an ear infection they can give off a real funk. Signs of an ear infection include shaking their head often, itching ears, and the funk coming off their ear area. You can clean your dogs ears at home, groomers can do it, or the vets. If they have an actual ear infection, you will need to visit your vet and get the prescription ear drops.

Lastly, you can bathe your dog occasionally and use sprays and wipes inbetween to keep them smelling fresh.

answered a question Why does my dog howl at night?

Dogs howl for various reasons. It is instinctual from their wolf heritage. Dogs use howls to communicate their location, to warn predators/protect their land, and to locate one another. Dogs also howl when they are lonely/have separation anxiety. My dog howls at every. single. siren. The way I have found to get him to stop is to distract him. He comes on the command "here" and once he is next to me I have him do various other tricks until the trigger is gone.

received badge  Teacher (source)
answered a question Why does my dog scoot on her bottom?

Typically dogs scoot on their bum because they need their anal glands expressed or because they have worms. Anal glands need expressed every 2-4 months depending on the dog. This can be done at home but I would recommend paying a groomer or vet to do this.

A less common reason a dog is scooting is because they have worms. This is something a vet can check and also treat. Dogs can come into contact with worms at public parks and dog parks so it is not totally unheard of.

answered a question What do I do if my dog is vomiting and has diarrhea?

With excessive of either, call the Vet. It could be nothing but these can be serious warnings of ingestion of something poisonous.

If the stool is loose, or you believe the vomitting is caused by car sickness or nervousness, a treat with ginger in it can help settle the stomach and always works great for me. Also be sure to provide lots of water to prevent dehydration since the pup is loosing fludis.

answered a question Can my dog be allergic to my cat?

Absolutely! My dog is allergic to cats.

He sneezes, backward sneezes, and has runny eyes when cats are around. To help him, after having a cat over, I vacuum, clean blankets, sheets, and pillows, give him a bath, dust, and open the windows. His symptoms clear up 24-72 hours after the cat is gone and the cleaning is done

answered a question Why does my dog roll around in poop?

My dog does the exact same thing. He will roll in anything that I generally think smells terrible. To him, this masks his scent and is instinctive to cover himself and hide his scent. He may also think it smells good like how we find various floral and amber tones to smell great.

answered a question Why my dog obsessively licks other dog's mouths?

There are various reasons dogs can do this. These include play time, submission, "i'm sorry", and hunger.

For play time they do it to signal to the other dog that they are ready to play. If the other dog is not interested you may want to pull the licking pup away as this may irritate the other.

For submission this shows the pecking order. A dog licking another dogs mouth shows that he is submissive and below the other dog similar to one a dog rolls on their back. Once again, keep an eye on this as the dominant dog might get snappy if irritated.

When saying sorry the dog will gently lick the other dogs face and sometimes lift their paw gently. The other dogs say "its ok" by licking back.

Lastly it can be a sign that they are hungry. This is usually seen in puppies. Their instinct is to lick their mothers face when they are hungry. Use this as a sign of when to feed the pup.

answered a question Why does my dog dig holes?

Dogs may dig because of various reasons. Certain breeds are prone to digging and burrowing. These dogs typically do this as a way to hide things or to create a comfortable spot for sleep. Other dogs dig because they are anxious, wanting attention, or to attempt to escape. There are a few ways to deal with this including exercise, training, and giving your dog intentional tracking and duties.

answered a question How do I get my dog to stop eating poop?

After training my dog on the command "Leave it" I was able to get him to stop. Before then I would bring treats with me on walks to distract him or pull him away but this was also enforcing the behavior. Another great command to teach dogs is "look at me". I use this when he is eating things he shouldn't or barking at things he shouldn't. It refocuses his attention on me and then I direct him to do what I want.

answered a question Why does my dog eat a lot of grass?

Dogs can eat grass for various reasons. My dog munches on grass when he has not eaten and is hungry and because he seems to genuinely seems to like the taste. Other reasons may be an upset stomach where the dog is using instinct to incite vomiting. But just because your dog eats grass, does not mean he is sick. Look at all the symptoms when assessing the situation. Also be aware that not all plants/grass are safe for dogs to munch on.

answered a question Why does my dog hump other dogs?

Dogs typically hump to show a sign of dominance even when they are fixed.