
What is a rover reel?

I know that if you add photos through rover you get a "rover reel," what is that?? Please help thank you!!


Did the Rover reel disappear? The explanation of it is on the site so I was expecting to see it show up. I send loads of pics, definitely more than 5 for one booking, and have never gotten one. Thanks.

2 Answers

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When you add 5 or more photos of a dog enjoying his or her stay with you, the Rover Support team takes those pictures and puts it together into a nice video album with background and music, and sends a copy to the pet-parent and the sitter. It's pretty cool and can be shared online.


That sounds cool and fun :) I never seen one and I send pictures to the owners everyday.


Rover reel is a short slideshow of the photos you took while dog sitting, house sitting, so on. It combines the photos all in one spot for you and the client.


Wow! This was from 2015! The answer posted a few minutes ago, which is EXACTLY the same as the answer from the same time the question was answered, is correct. It's funny to see people trying to earn points by just answering anything and everything from years past. Lol.