Michael L.'s profile

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received badge  Nice Answer (source)
received badge  Citizen Patrol (source)
received badge  Nice Answer (source)
received badge  Nice Answer (source)
answered a question Badges - One badge shows next to my name

From what I can tell, Rover only shows badges in search that come directly from Rover and those they can verify- Rover Pack, Rover 101, Background Check, and Protection Package. I have 5 badges and only the 3 Rover badges show up in search. If only one of your Rover badges are showing in search, you'll need to contact Rover support to have them look at it more closely.

received badge  Necromancer (source)
answered a question Pet first aid

I was certified by PetTech. There instructors in every state and most offer both a condensed or a 5/6hr course. http://www.pettech.net/index.php

received badge  Teacher (source)
commented answer Sitter profile

If you have that many photos you don't need to add more. It's an error on their part. Normally you get to 100% for completing the photos of you, of your house, and describing your dogs sections. At least on my profile overview, the section to add photos of your house has disappeared and has dropped me down to 75%.

received badge  Editor (source)
answered a question Sitter profile

The other 25% was to add 5+ Photos of your home and yard. It disappeared a couple days ago. They are constantly updating the site so maybe it was accidentally removed.

answered a question first aid badge not showing on profile

As far as I can tell only the background check, protection package, and the training graduate badges show up in search. I have 5 badges and only those three show up for me and others in my area. I do agree that the first aid or PetTech badges as well as maybe some others should be included in search

answered a question How old do I need to be a sitter?

It's great you are taking the initiative to start a rewarding career like pet sitting but Part 4 of the Terms of Service located here https://www.rover.com/tos/ says you must be 18+ to use any part of this site. Maybe you could talk with your parents and have them sign up to be a sitter and you could assist them. It would be a great to have the experience and be able to list it on your resume.

received badge  Critic (source)
answered a question Dog food advisor?


received badge  Enthusiast
commented question Pet first aid

I'll be taking the 8 hour PetSaver course here in Florida on February 28. Is there any information you want me to find out during the class?

received badge  Supporter (source)
answered a question Pet first aid

I'll be taking the 8 hour PetSaver course here in Florida on February 28. Is there any information you want me to find out during the class?