
Sitter profile

Under the "Profile: Tell owners about your ideal guest", it's registering that my profile is only 75% up to date and I haven't changed anything but I'm assuming it's because of the update for the website itself. I've gone through the profile several times and everything that needs to be done, seems to be all done. The only thing I see to be new is the part were is ask me to update if I've gotten a dog, which I haven't but that button only takes me to a page to update if I have gotten a dog rather than confirming I don't have a dog. Anyone else having this issue or know of a way to get it cleared?

2 Answers

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Oh, I have plenty of photos, about 15 or so. So that isn't cross my mind that I may need to add more photos, I'll have to check back soon to see if anything has changed. Thanks!


If you have that many photos you don't need to add more. It's an error on their part. Normally you get to 100% for completing the photos of you, of your house, and describing your dogs sections. At least on my profile overview, the section to add photos of your house has disappeared and has dropped me down to 75%.


The other 25% was to add 5+ Photos of your home and yard. It disappeared a couple days ago. They are constantly updating the site so maybe it was accidentally removed.