Cori C.'s profile

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answered a question Has anyone been asked to work on training their dog?

Sitter's are NOT dog trainers. There are many dog sitters on Rover with additional animal care experience from past jobs like vet techs, dog groomers and dog trainers, among many others. I might recommend them to another sitter who has that experience or you might tell them you could try to work on those basic commands and watch some YouTube video's, but can't guarantee anything as you are not a certified dog trainer. If for some reason the dog didn't learn the command then you might get a bad review for promising something you couldn't deliver.

answered a question Disputes at the end of the stay?

If there is still time before the stay and the stay is long, sometimes I offer clients a "trial stay" where I pet sit their pets for a couple of hours and charge them an hourly fee or some pet owners will request I watch their pets over the weekend before wanting to book me for 1-2 weeks to see how things go. That would be a really good thing to suggest to her and it may make her feel more comfortable as well as letting her know about Rover holding the money for a couple of days before it is actually sent to you. Just explain to her that Rover is a safe third part that both of you can trust. That is why you pay your 15% to be on Rover wink because she won't know about the extra fee that you pay either.

Good luck!

answered a question How can you discourage territory guarding behavior?

I would also consider the possibility that he is guarding his toys and chews that you are providing him, so I might take him out of his pen and put him in a small room with supervision and toys and chews and see if he is guarding his toys and chews and also see if you get the same behavior from him if you put him in a room without the toys and chews. If it is the case where he is learning to guard food, toys, etc., then you can focus on that issue. However, if you find out it is not the food and toys then it is most likely you or the fence boundary he is guarding. Try process of elimination first and then you can work towards eliminating the problem by following the steps that were outlined by some suggestions from the others.

commented answer How do u start getting clients?

Oh wow! Who'd a thought! Thank you!

commented question Help! My new Frenchton is so gasssy!

Frenchie breed are known for being flatulant. There may not be anything you can do. Have you tried speaking to a holistic vet?

answered a question Where do you find dog supplies online in bulk?

Big store chains like Fred Meyers that sells everything from pet supplies, groceries, and clothes. Right before the major holidays like Halloween they will have bins out of stuff they are trying to clear with 50% off including pet stuff. I'm not sure if it is just in my area but you can check out chains like Kmart and Walmart and Target as well. They may need to get rid of some old stuff to make room for their holiday shelves.

answered a question Why is my dog not pooping while on a leash?

I had a client with a similar problem where her dog would never go potty at all while on the leash and I found she was using a standard 6 foot leash. Try using a retractable leash or a 30 foot dog leash. I had a retractable on hand and that did the job and the dog went potty no problem.

answered a question How do you handle a dog constantly barking?

First, during the meet and greet I always ask if the owner's dog has any barking behavioral issues so if anything occurs at my place I know it is something due to the dog's environment and is not apart of the dog's normal behavior or it is apart of the dog's normal behavior. Secondly, I rule out the obvious reasons why the dog may be barking because dogs will be dogs. Thirdly, if the behavior continues I try to figure out what is triggering it and begin teaching the dog to be quiet with a command. If the dog needs something more like desensitization, say to a particular sound then I try to mimic that sound over and over and train him not to respond to it and praise him when he doesn't respond. Obviously, this works better with longer stays.

answered a question How do you protect window sills and door frames from scratches?

I'm not sure how big your place is or how big your furniture is, but usually the easiest thing to do and least expensive thing to do is just to move your furniture away from the window. We had a sofa against the living room window and the dog would scratch it up. We got rid of one of the sofa's that was beat up anyways and moved the other sofa across the room and now we don't have the dog scratching up the windows with her nose to the window. And guess what? She can still look out the window from the other sofa across the room and she still loves it!

answered a question What is the best durable dog toy?

Kongs of course, but Bionic bones are tough for dogs that love to chew as well! They held up great for a pit bull that loves to chew and they have some where you can put peanut butter in the ends!

commented question What is the best durable dog toy?

Kongs of course but Bionic bones are tough for dogs that love to chew as well! Did great for a pit bull that loves to chew!

answered a question My pug likes to bark a lot, I need to fly with him soon, I need help on what can I do to stop his barking,?

These are all great solutions for before your dog flies, but flying is very stressful for any pet and most vets recommend a tranquilizer which they will more than gladly prescribe. In fact, I am surprised your vet didn't mention it. Most pets that are anxious are prescribed something to relax them when flying so ask your vet about it. It will make his trip much smoother.

commented answer How do u start getting clients?

Sandi, how do you advertise your business using eBay? That is a new one for me. I thought you could only advertise products on eBay, not services.

answered a question puppy rates?

It may depend on the age of the puppy, whether you board the puppy in your home, whether you are caring for the puppy in the owner's home, the environment, and your schedule. I charge differently for puppies when I watch them in their own home because they have all the equipment there for puppy potty training (usually) and if they don't it's not a big deal about accidents as long as you clean them up with whatever they have given you to clean. Owners are pretty forgiving as long as you ARE watching the puppy. If it's my place and I don't have a puppy potty training system (like puppy pads or a puppy box) because I normally board grown dogs who are potty trained I have to worry about damage to my own property that Rover doesn't cover.

Also, puppies have a ton more energy than most of the dogs I sit in home. In fact, they wear me out! lol But I love it! They are a lot more work so I need to exercise them more than I would an adult dog that would normally nap more throughout the day. Sometimes, I've been surprised to find that all the puppy toys are outside and dirty when we live in a place that rains a lot so I always bring toys for puppies (just in case); therefore, I charge $60 a night for all the work that is involved. I may be scrubbing rugs and other things. I know some other pet sitters in my area that charge $75 a night, but they don't use Rover. I also had a friend who pet sits on Rover and she told me she went to take a shower while pet sitting and the puppy chewed up a carpet and left a big hole. Unless you have an X-pen or an area to put a baby gate to close them off into a small area while you have to get things done like showering, etc be prepare.

Also if they haven't had any formal training and they are a bigger breed you may regret not charging more. I had a large breed puppy that kept jumping up and pulling chunks of my hair out when I had it in a bun. lol I have never had that experience with any dog or puppy and I walked him a lot! He was only with me for less than a day, any longer I may have gone bald. haha

answered a question How can we get to know other Rover sitters in our area?

You can also go onto Facebook and join the group Sitter's Social Network here:

It is a private group that I created over a year ago that was created specifically for this purpose before the Q&A Community was created on Rover. We have 128 members right now and still growing. You may find someone in your neighborhood if you live in a big city, but if not you may still get lucky. I am always inviting people from my neighborhood to join on Rover and hopefully, more from other places will join now that there is the Rover Q&A.

Please have your Rover URL created to verify your Rover account when an admin messages you. We would love to have you join us!

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answered a question Security cameras in the clients home--would you be comfortable?

Every one has a different opinion on this subject. I personally don't like the idea of camera's watching me everywhere. Not because I'm worried about my behavior, but because when I'm doing an overnight in someone's home I will obviously be in my pajama's and sometimes playing in those pj's with the dogs and would be very embarrassed if anything slipped out as I am a very voluptuous woman. lol Personally, I would prefer NOT to know if they have camera's. That way I don't have any anxiety than I already do have sleeping in a strange place. I usually don't ask and I've had a pet sit job before where the client told me about their camera that was located just outside the front door due to packages being stolen in the neighborhood which I completely understood as that issue was happening with us too where we lived.

As far as whether to accept the job or not after knowing all of this, it would be on a case by case basis. Sometimes it isn't a big deal, but other times I've heard sitter's having client's with camera's using them to micromanage them and calling them constantly about every little minute thing and this was from a professional sitter NOT on Rover. So, go with your instinct when you interview those people. If anything is "off" about them then I would just say I don't think this is the right fit, but if you have a good feeling about the owners and they seem pretty normal then I would try perhaps a trial pet sit to ease any concerns.

answered a question Who will live in my home to care for my 4 dogs and 1 cat?

You're actually posting in the "Sitter-to-Sitter" Community. The Rover web site is used to find dog sitters as Karen suggested or you can contact Rover Customer Support and have them locate a good pet sitter for you that fits your needs. The number is located on the Home page.

answered a question Is anyone interested in an online sitter networking group?

There already is one on Facebook here:

The group is for Rover sitter's only and they require a Rover URL to verify Rover membership and an approved profile.

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answered a question What To Do If It Seems a Dog In My Care is Neglected?

Find out who is responsible for investigating and enforcing the anti-cruelty codes in your town, county or state. This might include your local humane organization, animal control agency, taxpayer-funded animal shelter or police precinct.

Provide a detailed report. When reporting animal cruelty, it is best to give a concise statement about what you’ve witnessed or suspect. Include photos if at all possible. Don’t forget to include dates, times, and as many details as you can in your report. Keep copies for your own records and take notes!

answered a question How are number of nights figured?

Off the bat that sounds off. If you were to provide an example of the date range that might help. I will provide one for you though. If someone books a stay with me for June 1 - 3; dropping off or me staying the night on June 1st and will be returning in the morning on the last day (June 3rd) = 2 nights while arriving on the 3rd day. Hope that makes sense.

answered a question Customers Constantly Late!

Maybe you're too accommodating. Most places charge a late fee and maybe you should too. That will help people to stop taking advantage of you and help encourage them to be on time and if not, at least you can earn a little more money in the process. While going over your new late fees you may want to ask them if there's a new time that may work out better for them so they won't incur these extra fees in the future.

answered a question what is the donation deduction from my pay for?

When you registered from Rover you had the option to donate a portion of your earnings to certain foundations and charities. I'm guessing you selected one of them and so that is where a portion of your earnings is being donated to at your request. You have a badge on your profile that shows the foundation you selected to donate to and in this case it is for donating 5% to the

answered a question Calendar Availability

I'm not sure if this might be the problem, but time and time again I have encountered a glitch where someone has booked with me and those days will automatically be blocked out as "unavailable" but then weeks later I will check back and they are now unblocked as "available." I have even checked my calendar to make sure those dates booked are blocked out once booked to be sure the Rover software is working properly and the glitch will happen months later after a booking. I have heard of other pet sitters experiencing the same thing. This may be what is happening or you may just have a sitter not keeping their calendar up to date.

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commented answer Who here has actually placed a Rover yard sign in a dog park?

Thank you!

answered a question Meet & Greets with Cats.

In addition, if you can I would bring a friend along if you are going into a strangers house for a meet and greet. I don't see anything wrong with that. I am a woman and I've had to do meet and greets with men in their homes and I've always brought another person along. You should always err on the side of caution. Be safe!

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asked a question Who here has actually placed a Rover yard sign in a dog park?

I'm wondering about placing a yard sign near a dog park. Recently, I read an article in a blog here:

3 - Put up Lawn Signs

Try placing lawn signs near dog parks for major visibility year round. “I place yard signs near entrance gates of all dog parks in my neighborhood and the surrounding area. – Brad S.”

This made me wonder if we are allowed to do such a thing if it is not on our property line like where our physical house is so I am a bit leery about it. I live right across the street from a dog park but my house faces the opposite direction with another house in back of me that would be facing the street where the park is. If this is a stupid question I'm sorry. Any thoughts would be appreciated or any idea's what I could do in my circumstance. Thanks!

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edited answer Where can I find products to purchase?

Oh thank you! I couldn't find that either. It's under the Dashboard tab. I just signed in and scrolled to the bottom of the page where all the hypertext links were and figured it would be there. lol