Sharon F.'s profile

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commented answer Client asked me to dog sit at a hotel?

I had a sweet lady that was from out of town, I took care of her dog 2 times at the hotel. She paid for my dinner via ro...

commented answer Anyone else leaving Rover thanks to Stripe?

stripe is fine with me I still get my pay ...

received badge  Citizen Patrol (source)
answered a question How would you handle this situation?

I have had some things break over the years. I feel horrible and do apologize 😞 but I do let them know. Accidents happen...

answered a question Should Sitter Have Eaten Food From Our Freezer, Etc. Without Asking First?

When I stay at clients I bring my own food and drinks. Most clients tell me make yourself at home. I usually bring my sm...

answered a question Overnights worth it?

I only do overnights. I charge 55 dollars also the holiday pay I charge a bit extra. I do have a job in the day and dis...

received badge  Famous Question (source)
answered a question Can an owner cancel because she doesn't like my house or dog?

Don't worry about it too much I actually didn't get a booking when I did a meet-and-greet because I have Trump stickers...

answered a question I am considering adding house sitting to my services. However, I am concerned about a dog owner falsely accusing me of stealing. Does Rover offer any kind of protection against false accusations?

I think if you did a background check and all came back fine, I feel that says alot about you. ...

commented answer Rover app screw up?????

thanks Walt ...

received badge  Commentator
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asked a question Rover app screw up?????

Rover app screw up????? I messed up my rover app on phone. I downloaded another one after the first on was just spinning...

received badge  Necromancer (source)
answered a question Multiple Meet & Greets but we are penalized?

I will say i do not like when the owner has multiple M@G. We dont get paid and its our time too. When the owner chooses someone else I kinda ask myself what did I do wrong? Sometimes you get the booking and sometimes you dont.

answered a question More direct competition since buyout/merger?

Yes I have noticed alot of other sitters in my area. I have made less money this past year and the year before. More competition and lower prices than mine. I have good reviews but its has slacked off for me

commented answer How do you handle the emotional fallout?

I am so glad I am not the only one that misses the pets when I leave I really do get attached and I am sad when I leave. Sometimes I will text the owner to see how the dogs etc, are doing.

answered a question What do you do when your house-sitting client's house is dirty/smelly?

I also had this happen to me. I had to sleep in a recliner cause the rooms were horrible. Client left dishes in sink. I did wash them cause they would start to smell. But I was there to take care of the dogs and so I cleaned up some so they would not get sick. She called me a couple of times but I said I was busy. Hope that helps.

received badge  Necromancer (source)
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commented question Why are owners allowed to request multiple sitters at once?

This is happened to me a few times also and I am not very happy when customers do this I mean it's a waste of my time and gas. Then they tell me when I get there that they have scheduled a couple more other Rover sitters and they are coming by and so yeah I'm not real happy when I get these calls

commented answer What cleaning do you do when you sit for a dog and cat owner for ~9 days?

I clean up the house also. The kitchen the counters bring in mail water plants and change the sheets and vacuum also

commented question How do feel when you have lost a customer?

I understand, but think of it as a way of being loyal to the dog if you really like the dog then thats what matters most.

commented answer HELP: What to do with a dog who misses their owner A LOT?

Talk softly to the dog. Stroke him, I love the owners scent on something. Snuggle with the dog. Maybe a treat would help too.

commented answer does Rover have any thoughts on how to handle food for sitter during house sitting jobs, extended stay?

I always bring my own food. I have many clients that say help yourself to anything, then I might drink a soda or something but if I do drink a soda I replace it anyway.

commented question If you hired a house sitter for your dog, would you expect them to clean the mess from an accident?

Wow I felt bad reading this for you. I am a sitter also and of course would clean it up and make sure the doggie was ok too.

answered a question have any of you agreed to watch dogs you have sit before and then they end up being HORRIBLE?

I can relate, I am with a client now that did not mention the dog is barking and whining walking around the house. I have been a sitter for awhile so lesson learned. Finally I brought this up to the dog owner and she said the dog has been doing this for her also. I thought it was just me. But I do understand their owners are away so I try to calm the dog by extra attention. So far nothing is working. I am not able to sleep well. So in the future I may have to ask the owner about these kind of issues.

received badge  Nice Answer (source)
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answered a question Is it necessary to stay overnight for House Sitting?

Housesitting, staying over night, I feel clients feel better with this option you are in the house taking care of it and the pets. Pets can get lonely at night and miss their humans, thats when we Rover sitters go the extra miles to say I am here ,do you want a treat, do you need to go out or do you just want to some attention in the middle of the night. I am there to offer that security to the pets no matter what it may be, and I think clients aprreciate that.

answered a question Do you really charge extra $ for each additional dog?

I spoke to Rover about this also, I buy the extra insurance so I never charged per dog or another cat etc. But also Rover explained to me that if I did not have each pet listed on the stay only 1 would be covered with the insurance thing, or what if they ran away and it wasnt listed.????? So I charge like a dollar or two for the other dog. That way the dog is protected from legal issues and you and Rover. Also some folks just say they have two dogs and you get there for the meet and they have 5 cats fish rabbits etc lol. Good luck

answered a question How to charge for problems after booking (extra cleaning)?

You are allowed to charge a higher rate on puppies.

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answered a question When staying overnight in a persons home do I need to bring groceries for myself for the week?

I always bring my own stuff, most folks are kind and say help yourself but I feel weird too, I didnt buy it so I bring my own. If I have to use oven or microwave I always ask first and then clean it if anything spills. Also I always check to make sure its off after using.

commented answer Holiday bookings, hows everyone doing?

I hear you. I wonder what other sitters feel about that. It feels like I am competing for the prize. We show up for a meet and greet that's takes time and gas and then dont get booked. Maybe start charging a fee for meet and greet.

answered a question Is the Rover Protection Worth the cost?

I go the extra mile for the peace of mind. And I think having this protection with the special dog tag brings my clients peace of mind also. Just paying the 50 bucks stands out in our profile saying yes we will pay it cause we are dedicated to go the extra mile.

answered a question Security cameras in the clients home--would you be comfortable?

I have had a client with cameras, I said no problem cause I am an honest person and would never harm any animals but I have to admit it did freak me out a few times. My cell phone did not work very well and needed to check in with my mom at the time she had cancer. I asked the clients if I could use the house phone they said fine. I did not put it on the charger right away and they called to say please put it back on the charger. So they were watching my every move. I really don't like the idea of folks seeing me sleep either. But the stay went fine and if there was anything they needed to know they could look at the cameras. I understand about being in your PJs lol.

commented question How safe is Craigslist? Anyone have a bad experience?

I have had some problems on Craigslist. I was sent a fake check so I not going to list myself on Craigslist.