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answered a question My dog got giardia and started peeing and pooping in crate, how do I stop her?

Hi there, sorry to hear you pup had giardia, that could be tough! It sounds like she may need to be potty trained again. Sometimes, after a pup becomes ill they need to relearn where it is appropriate to go potty. Removing her immediately after she poops would be a good way to reduce the chances of her eating it. I have heard that there are some supplements dogs could take to help reduce the chances of them eating their poo however you may need to play a bit of a mitigation game.

answered a question I have a 1 month old puppy that sleeps in doggy bed and I put a pee pad in there I change it when she pees a certain amount how can I go about potty training her?

Potty training a puppy is a lot of work, so far it sounds like potty pads are a good idea as well.

Some Potty training facts:
- A dog should be able to hold their bladder for 1 hour per their age (in months) until they are fully potty trained. i.e. 12 hrs is too long to let a doggo not go potty.

  • It take a full 21 days of no accidents (big or little) for a dog to be fully potty trained. however if they have an accident on day 20, you need to restart the 21 days over again.

If she is a month old I would recommend, letting her out every hour. Always as soon as she wakes up (straight outside), after meals, returning home, and before bed. I recommend taking her to the same spot outside of your home as well.

Supervision is key. I would limit the amount of room she has when she is home. Keep a watchful eye on her body language and see what behavior she has right before she needs to go potty, this will help you know when to take her out as well, when she’s a bit older.

Crates are great as well, you could create a safe place for her to relax (this should not be a form of punishment), let her have naps in her crate (even when you are home, to help her be okay with being alone) and also build her bladder up a bit.

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answered a question Does Rover have a Contact/ help phone number?

For Customer Service: [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team]

For Emergencies 24/7 Trust and Safety: 888-727-1140

answered a question Which vaccinations a dog should have?

I usually recommend and ask that owners show proof of up-to-date vaccinations for Bordetella, DPP (commonly grouped as DAPP, DHLPP DAPP2), and Rabies. The proof is a vet documentation that shows the dogs name, vaccination name, date it was given and most importantly the date the vaccination expires.

Bordetella reduces the risk of kennel cough in dogs that is pretty contagious. DPP (Distemper, Parvo, Parvo Influenza) is a part of a dogs core vaccinations. Rabies is also a big vaccination to make sure is up to date not only for other dogs but people as well, local laws usually require a dog has its rabies shots for any dog 4 months and older too.

These vaccinations are fairly typical for boarding/ doggie daycares as well. Other than vaccines I like to know that a dog is on flea preventatives as well, just in case.

answered a question Need some guidance to train my puppy. Can anyone help me?

I always recommend dog are clicker trained. If done right, it will help your dog learn quickly. Some advice for training though, is to get your puppy on a schedule for potty training right away and always reinforce good behavior with treats. Remembering that a puppy jumping up on you now is cute but not cute when they are an adult, so training them not to jump up now is important or else items like this would be something like "You said I could do this my whole life and now I can't?!?" type situation. Another tip when walking you puppy, is not allow him to meet EVERY dog or person he sees, it's okay when you say it is okay but not okay at others, this will help reduce any reactivity that can develop for a dog that always wants to meet other dogs and so will bark and lung (even in a friendly manner). I'd recommend finding some good dog trainers in your area as well to help out with clicker training. They will be able to show you how it works and how you could be successful with your dog :)

answered a question Dog urinates for weird reasons?

Hmmm, you might want to get him checked out at the vet to make sure there is nothing medical that is causing this. Other than that maybe try re-potty training him and possibly limiting his water intake (making sure he does drink water of course but not to the point of almost throwing up).

answered a question Why is my dog pooping in her crate now?

Some idea you could try for this are: feeding her in her crate (she may not want to go potty in a place where she knows she eats at), giving her treats and praise when she goes potty at the right place, and up-ing her exercise before bed. I'd give this a try and see how it helps! Best!

received badge  Necromancer (source)
answered a question How do I get my Catahoula to stop obsessing over squirrels?

I'm not sure if there is much you can do. You could try redirecting him so that everything he sees a squirrel you call him; when he come to you you give him a really good treat. His breed was made for hunting though so it might just be in his blood and it might be a mitigation game at a certain point.

answered a question What to do to calm a dog who whines a lot due to missing her owners?

Having a dog that is having some separation anxiety could be difficult during a stay that's for sure. Some things that could help is plenty of exercise, work to eat toys, possibly putting a thunder shirt on the dog too can help!

received badge  Necromancer (source)
answered a question Why is my dog losing weight?

It could be a few things; illness, lack of appetite, anxiety, more exercise. I'd recommend a vet visit if you are getting worried though just to double check!

answered a question Why does my dog pee on plastic bags?

The only material I have seen on this topic is that the plastic could carry more scents on it and so they like to pee on it to mark it to put their scent on it (like the comment above said).

answered a question Why does my dog want affection then run away?

I'd agree with the comments above. It sounds like your dog is trying to play with you but in a strange/naughty way.

answered a question What can I do to help my dog's aggression?

I'm sorry this happened! I think it depends on what happened prior to this moment and if you are noticing anything that causes this behavior to replicate. If you could identify the trigger (any thing that causes you dog to increase their awareness, fear, or reactivity) then you have a solid ground of how to help them. Other than maybe getting help from a dog trainer, I'd recommend a vet visit as well to make sure there is nothing medically wrong with your dog that might cause them to act out of character. For example, an injury or illness could cause a dog to be act out because they are not feeling well. I hope this helps and that you are healing!

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answered a question Why does my puppy have red bumps on her belly?

It could be many things! I would bring your dog to the vet if there is no improvement after a day or two, if your dog is constantly licking/ scratching the area or if the it changes in order for them to see what could be going on. Ringworm, dry skin, infections, and many other things could be the cause.

answered a question Why does my dog bark all night?

Agreeing with the comment above. Boredom seems to be the likeliest cause of this. Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise they need so that they could be nice and tired when they are home.

answered a question My Yorkie spine seems to raise higher than my other yorkie towards the back?

I have not seen much on spinal issues with Yorkies but if she doesn't seem to be in pain I would monitor it. Another suggestion would be to reach out to a vet, they should be able to shed some light as to whether it is okay or if you should bring her in for an evaluation. Best!

received badge  Good Answer (source)
answered a question Why does my dog, Bud, keep peeing on me?

I'm so sorry that this happened! I have heard a few different reasons as to why this can be happening. It could be your dog marking you as his territory/ asserting dominance, which could be fixed with more training. It could be that he is getting something positive out of it when he does this, (ex. he is board and finds he gets attention (positive or negative) when he pees on you), to fix this: see what your dog is getting out of it when he pees on you and increase his activity or attention etc. prior to him peeing on you. Another could be if he is not fixed. Or if you have more than one dog, you dog could be feeling competitive for your attention and thus marking you.

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answered a question Why did my dog act weird around medical marijuana?

I think you might be overthinking it a bit... It is possible that your dog may have known someone in the past, that he made a positive association with the smell of marijuana (even in its faintest smell) to mean human food treats or more affection are on their way. Dogs have a great sense of smell though, even going nuts for gross things like the smell of a dead animal. Other things to consider is the food type the edible was made with that made him excited. Also some dogs are much more attentive to individuals that they know are ill which could be another factor. I hope this helps!

answered a question What do I do if my dog is bitten by another dog?

Copying my answer from another question here as it applies. Hope it helps!

If your dog bites another dog:

With an injury:

1- Separate the dogs.

2- Go over them throughly to check for injuries (long haired dogs need more time to look through). 2a-Then check them over AGAIN, about 15 minutes late.

3-Give both about 15-30 minutes to calm down separate from each other.

4- If there is an injury, take any immediate medical attention necessary.

4a- this could be taking them to the vet or administering first aid

4b- Always make sure the other dog is safe and secure while you are helping the injured dog.

5- Think about how this happened. Was there a toy present? What did their body language look like leading up to the bite? etc.

5a- If this was because of a resource (food, toy, chew, bone), the solution is simple -- take the items away from that dog if he is with other dogs. If it is something else, this will help you in keeping an eye on them in the future to help diffuse situations from escalating.

6- Talk to the other dog's owner as soon as possible being honest, empathetic, and letting the owner know what you are doing to help mitigate the situation.

6a- Ask the owner what steps they would like to take with their dog? (if it is a minor cut, do they want you to administer first aid, take them to the vet, or keep an eye on it)

If none of the dogs are injured and Dog Reintroductions:

Follow steps 1-3 (from above)

4- Try introducing them slowly back together, keeping a close eye on their behavior

5- if another scuffle happens with them, give them another 15-30 minutes to calm down

6- Repeat step 4

7- If another scuffle happens with them, call it a day and keep them separated from each other.

8- Always be transparent with the other dogs owner to let them know what is going on, they may have some tips to share!

answered a question Why do I love my dog so much?

I think we love our dogs so much because they show us true unconditional love is in the midst of a fallible world.

answered a question My puppy loves to chew on mulch. Should I make him stop?

Although Mulch is basically torn up leafs, sticks and compost, I would highly recommend that you do not let your dog eat it. Some types of mulch could have certain toxins in it that could be dangerous/poisonous for dogs. Also, mulch in general can be a choking hazard for dogs which could cause an obstruction. Grab some new dog toys, chews and treats to keep them from eating your yard mulch!

answered a question Why does my dog poop so much?

If your dog is going pooping too much I would take them to a vet to get them checked out. Make sure they are getting plenty of water too if they are having a lot of diarrhea so they do not get dehydrated.

answered a question Why is my dog so gassy?

It could be because of a type of food, too many treats or perhaps an intestinal issue. I would consult a vet for more help :)

answered a question What's the best way to introduce a new puppy to my older dog?

I would take things slow by doing introductions in a large open area. Keep an eye on both dogs body language as they interact. Puppies will not be super keen on dog language and your older dog may get frustrated and/or try to correct them. Make sure that if your puppy is bothering your older dog too much that you allow time for them both to rest separately. One thing I like to do as well, is to have a smaller penned area for the puppy to hang out in while the older dog is around to get them used to seeing and smelling each other. Supervision is key, with or without the gated area, until they are both completley comfortable with one another after several days together.

answered a question When should I neuter my puppy?

Most vets recommend between 6-9 months. However there is a lot of controversy over this, some say 1 year, some say after their first heat cycle. I have found that male dogs should be neutered within the 6-9 month time to prevent/ reduce their marking tendencies and aggression toward other dogs. For female dogs, I have heard that spaying between the 6-9 month mark would also be good to greatly reduce/ prevent serious health problems.

answered a question How can I prevent ear infections in my dog?

I have just experience this with my dog and asked the vet the very same question.

She noted to use an ear cleaner every 2 weeks and to clean his ears after going outside in the rain and after a bath.

My dog has ears that stand up which make it more essential. She also noted that I can cover his ears instead when going outside in the rain, or put cotton balls in his ears, again only when outside in the rain.

This should help prevent ear infections.

answered a question Why is my dog aggressive toward me?

It depends on what the situation is. Are they aggressive around a certain object, food, treats, bone? If yes, your dog is likely resource guarding. If it is around a certain person, area, or crate/bed, they are likely being territorial.

Keep an eye on your dog's body language to identify what is triggering their aggression. It can often be something very subtle that could trigger your dog into some aggression so be extra mindful of how you interact with your dog. For example, a little move, like bending forward while asking your dog to sit could be the trigger the dog has learned for that means sit, instead of the command sit.

I would recommend a vet visit for your dog though, tell your vet about the aggression in detail and have them check your dog out. A dog that is in pain can act out in an aggressive manor and it is better to see if there is something medically underlining with your dog before moving forward with training. A good training would also recommend a vet visit prior to make sure your dog is okay. After that I would recommend training :)

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answered a question My dog makes a noise when she is nervous or curious? Should I be concerned?

I don't think that this is something to worry about. I have heard many dogs (Chihuahua's specifically) that do this sort of grunt/snort when they are excited. Many dogs with a shorter snout can make these noises either from excitement, or a reverse sneeze.

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answered a question What do I do if my dog bit another dog?

If your dog bites another dog:

With an injury:

1- Separate the dogs.

2- Go over them throughly to check for injuries (long haired dogs need more time to look through). 2a-Then check them over AGAIN, about 15 minutes late.

3-Give both about 15-30 minutes to calm down separate from each other.

4- If there is an injury, take any immediate medical attention necessary.

4a- this could be taking them to the vet or administering first aid

4b- Always make sure the other dog is safe and secure while you are helping the injured dog.

5- Think about how this happened. Was there a toy present? What did their body language look like leading up to the bite? etc.

5a- If this was because of a resource (food, toy, chew, bone), the solution is simple -- take the items away from that dog if he is with other dogs. If it is something else, this will help you in keeping an eye on them in the future to help diffuse situations from escalating.

6- Talk to the other dog's owner as soon as possible being honest, empathetic, and letting the owner know what you are doing to help mitigate the situation.

6a- Ask the owner what steps they would like to take with their dog? (if it is a minor cut, do they want you to administer first aid, take them to the vet, or keep an eye on it)

If none of the dogs are injured and Dog Reintroductions:

Follow steps 1-3 (from above)

4- Try introducing them slowly back together, keeping a close eye on their behavior

5- if another scuffle happens with them, give them another 15-30 minutes to calm down

6- Repeat step 4

7- If another scuffle happens with them, call it a day and keep them separated from each other.

8- Always be transparent with the other dogs owner to let them know what is going on, they may have some tips to share!

answered a question How do I crate train my dog?

Crate training is great for dogs as it helps dogs learn that it is okay to be alone (helping greatly reduce separation anxiety) and helps to build puppies bladders. The most important thing about crate training is to make sure your dog always sees their crate as a safe, secure place. The crate should be big enough for your dog to turn around and lie down in comfortably in. Crates should not be big enough for your dog to run around or a place to add a potty pad. A crate should not be used as a place for punishment either, only positive associations with the crate.

Make sure the crate is set up with a couple of things they like, like a toy and blanket. Please be mindful, if this is your first time putting your dog in a crate, they may rip up the blanket. Put things in there that is durable and exciting like a Kong filled with peanut butter for example.

Start off slowly, after your dog has eaten and gone to the bathroom, put your dog in the crate in a place where there will not be a lot of foot traffic to distract your dog. It is helpful to give them a high value item like a Kong filled with peanut butter, however, only give them that particular high-value item when they go into the crate to make a positive association. Crate means awesome treats!

Let your dog stay in the crate for an hour or two. Your dog will likely bark... a lot and that is okay! let them bark it out until they are able to settle down and even take a nap. To help with visual barrier, you could also place a sheet over the crate, that way the crate will be breathable and also be a visible barrier to distractions.

After you get your dog up from their nap in their crate, take them out to go potty immediately and then have them play and hang out with you for a good chunk of time.

Then repeat the process until your dog is comfortable in their crate.

If you are looking to get your dog to sleep in their crate during the night, I would recommend starting off during the day, so you won't have to get up during the night. However, the same process applies when getting your dog to sleep in their crate during the night but now with more designated times during the night to take your dog out to go potty. Especially a puppy, if they need to go out at night, make it quick and simple, by taking them straight out to go potty then straight back to their crate.

Hope this helps!

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answered a question How to cure Kennel cough?

I believe kennel cough requires antibiotics to cure it. Kennel cough is interesting as it is like the common cold and an airborne virus. It could be spread from dog to dog or from communal water dishes or toys. When I worked at a doggie daycare, if a dog had kennel cough we would immediately clean and disinfect water dishes and dog toys. I would also go home and wash my clothes and take a shower immediately too as it is airborne. the vaccination bordetella is a great non-core vaccine to assist in preventing a dog from getting it as well.