Amber R.'s profile

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commented question Is anyone else not getting email notification of booking requests?

I just got a booking request during my quiet hours! Why?? I'm annoyed and worried that I'll lose points if I don't respo...

answered a question How do you deal with bad experiences with pets and owners?

Omigosh that sounds like a horrible experience!! I wouldn't resort to doing trial overnights as a result though. In my f...

answered a question How do I proceed with pet care when O is not responding?

I too am dealing with a non-responsive client. It's incredibly frustrating. I am doing drop-in visits for her cat for 9 ...

commented question How do you all take pictures of dogs on the rover app? -- It's AWFUL!?

I'm very peeved with the low quality photos Rover displays after I post them. My phone takes really crisp photos. I don'...

commented question Why are the thumbnails of my dog's photos blurry, but totally clear once you click on them?

Mine look really blurry too. It's like Rover is showing lower quality resolution or something. Very strange... ...

commented answer Why is there a Red Dot on inbox?

It's 2022 and I'm still having this issue of seeing a red dot on my messages icon, and have no clue as to what message I...

commented answer Why is there a Red Dot on inbox?

It's 2022 and I'm still having this issue of seeing a red dot on my messages icon, and have no clue as to what message I...

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asked a question Why can't I delete photos from my photo gallery anymore?

Why can't I delete photos from my photo gallery anymore? We used to be able to delete photos from our photo gallery afte...

commented answer How do I delete a photo from a Rover Card?

Yeah, but how do you remove photos from the gallery on your Rover page. There used to be options to hide photos from tha...

answered a question How do I delete a photo from a Rover Card?

I am having the same problem. I can't erase the photos and some of them have sensitive information. Like when I was tryi...

answered a question Booking score down to 50 percent after flakey requests?

I too have seen a significant drop in my booking score due to uncommitted requests as well as strange "glitches" from Rover. Recently, somebody requested an overnight stay but I was already booked for an overnight for that date. I archived the request and my booking score went down the next day. I didn't understand why, what was going on. I checked my calendar to see if something was awry and sure enough, it said I was available for THREE overnights on a single day! You can't stay at three different locations for an overnight! I certainly would never have set my availability in that way. I was like WHAT?!!? I never put that there! It was very strange, all my other dates looked completely normal except for that one day. Almost like somebody got into my account and altered it. It's very suspicious. I really think the booking score requirements are unfair to the sitter. I have a lot of requests for mid day dog walks, and currently my mid days all have to be reserved for my regular clients. But there's no option to black out certain times of the day. It only indicates that the sitter is available that day, not what time of the day. And I have to decline because I'm saving my mid day time slots for my devoted regular clients who simply hadn't gotten around to booking yet before a rogue request came along. How can we make it clear to people searching for a sitter that certain times of the days are already reserved? I don't want my booking score to go down anymore! And I can only squeeze so many dog walks from 12pm to 2pm! But I still want searches to see that I'm available the rest of the day.

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commented answer Why is Rover interrupting my communication with my clients to ask me "Do you love Rover?" ?

Of course, it's completely understandable Rover needs feedback from their sitters from time to time. But I find it extremely inappropriate and unprofessional to ask "Do you love Rover" while I'm in the middle of a dog visit and not let me move forward on my app until I answer "yes" or "no".

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asked a question Why is Rover interrupting my communication with my clients to ask me "Do you love Rover?" ?

While I'm trying to manage my visits on the Rover app, a message keeps popping up asking me the question "Do you love Rover? Yes or No?" with the option of clicking "yes" or "no". I do not appreciate this question popping up and interrupting my work. I'm in the middle of trying to communicate with my clients! This is an invasive action on Rover's part and completely takes over the screen and I cannot do anything else unless I answer the question. I refuse to answer the question because of the forced manner in which it is presented to me during my work. Also it's such a vague question! Love is a very strong word and does not accurately describe how I feel about Rover. I appreciate Rover and the opportunity it gives me to work with dogs. I have things that I like and dislike about Rover. But I cannot say I love or not love it. I have no idea what happens when I hit yes or no and do not wish to find out because I'm in the middle of a visit and don't have time to be taken to another page if that's what happens. So I wind up just completely closing the app and restarting. But it eventually pops up again! Is there anyway around this?

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commented question Do you get taken advantage of after you book stays?

The same thing happened to me too! With a few clients. Why does everyone think they can just sneak their cat in there for free? Is the option to add a cat not shown to the client when they are submitting a request? It really should be made clear that they cannot do that. It's not fair.

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asked a question Can I have a cancellation fee?

I've had quite a few last minute cancellations so far. I'm realizing this isn't very convenient for me as a sitter because when a customer cancels last minute I lose money and am not likely to fill that booking with a new customer. Should I have a cancellation fee? How does that work? I don't want to keep losing money due to clients changing their minds.

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commented question Am I being too polite/flexible with booking?

I agree, there needs to be a setting for sitters to be able to add reminders or extra charges. Like an 'Extra Notes' section for their profile.

answered a question Am I being too polite/flexible with booking?

I don't book any further than two months in advance because I travel. But it's totally up to you! I find the sooner the Meet and Greet, the better. Then I give the client a few days to decide. I remind them that slots fill up quickly and that no booking is guaranteed until it's actually booked and confirmed. But I definitely would not book anything over two months ahead :O