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answered a question Why does my dog eat human poop?

Why is human poop available for your dog to eat is the better question.

answered a question Why does my dog vomit every day?

It is not normal for dog to be vomiting everyday. If the vomiting lasts for more than a few days then it would be best to go see a vet. Also check your dogs stool. Keep track of any other symptoms he may have. If your dog vomiting or regurgitating ? Knowing the difference can help your vet solve the problem. Vomit will be partially digested with bile and regurgitated food will still look like food and will be in a tubular form.

answered a question Why does my dog hide from me?

Yes he is probably afraid of you. Try spending some quality time with him and he'll come around. Give lots of praise when he's been a good boy and attention. Go for long walks. And be sure you are the one feeding him.

answered a question Why does my dog shake her head so much?

There could be a few different reasons he would be shaking his ears. 1. There is a foreign body lodged in his ear. 2. He has a lot of ear wax built up 3. Possible ear infection 4. Masses or polyps 5. Allergies Either way if the shaking continues you may want to take him to the vet just to make sure.

answered a question Why is my dog scared of its own farts?

He doesn't know that he is causing the "fart" noise. So it scares him. I can't find any other information than that. Maybe someone else can weigh in.

answered a question Why do dogs scratch the carpet?

Your dog might also be bored. Try to give him some alternatives. Toys, games etc. Keep him occupied. If he has high energy, take him for walks a couple of times a day.

answered a question Why does my dog have the runs?

There may be many reasons for diarrhea. It could be for something simple or extreme. For example, parvo, parasites, bacteria infection, or maybe he just ate something he should have. If the diarrhea is persistent it then it would be best to take him to the vet.

answered a question How do I know if my dog is having a seizure?

Before your dog has a seizure he may seem dazed or confused and will want to cling to you. He may not be able to control his bowels. During the seizure she may experience foam drooling collapsing twitching etc. After the seizure he'll probably be disoriented and my walk in circles.

answered a question What pain reliever can I give my dog?

The best think would be to take him to the vet. You don't want to accidentally overdose him with anything.

answered a question How do I know if my dog has anxiety?

You can also leave out toys etc. to keep her occupied. Some people like to play music or leave on a T.V. when they leave to keep there pets distracted. I like to leave my blinds open so my dogs can look out the window while I'm gone. You can also take her for long walks before you leave so she can just sleep while your gone.

answered a question Where can I wash my dog?

You can wash your dog with a lukewarm water and dog shampoo in a bathtub. Or you can take him to a groomer to get a bath.

answered a question Why does my dog chew on me?

I am assuming this is a puppy. Regardless you need to train them that this is not acceptable behavior. Teach your puppy bite inhibination: make a loud noise when the puppy bites you and then give him a treat when he backs off. Always give your puppy an alternative toy to chew. Make sure you make it clear to the puppy that it is not acceptable to chew or bite you. You can also try challenging toys like kongs that you can put peanut butter or treats in.

answered a question Why does my dog keep barking?

Dogs bark for many different reasons. Aggression/ excitement/ attention/ boredom/ stress. First you have to figure out what's causing his barking. When does he bark? Does he need more attention? Or something to do? Make sure you correct the bad behavior Use this link. It gives some very good sugguestions https://www.cesarsway.com/dog-behavio...

answered a question Why does my dog smell sour?

What dogs encounter outside can cling to their skin and fur which can cause an unpleasant smell. Also dogs don't sweat like we do. They sweat through there paws and slightly through there hair follicles. You may notice when your dog comes back inside in the summer he probably smells worse than in the winter. You might notice that your dogs feet smell bad too. This is due to normal bacteria found on there feet. Bathing and grooming and keeping your dog inside will help with the smell.

answered a question Can you bathe your own dog?

Yes absolutely just use a Luke warm water and dog shampoo. Rinse thoroughly. Most people bath their dogs in their bathtub.

answered a question Why does my dog sit on me?

He may also just want to feel close to you. When dogs lie on your clothes etc. with your scent on it, they want to feel like part of the pack.

answered a question Why does my dog cry when he poops?

There may be many different reasons but it sounds like he is in pain. He could have parasites. Seek veterinarian advice.

answered a question Why does my dog run away when I call her?

She wants to have fun. She probably doesn't want to come back to you because she knows the fun will end. Check out this link: https://www.cesarsway.com/dog-care/sa...

answered a question Why does my dog play bite me?

If this is a puppy it's natural for him to want to bite because he's teething. It's important to break him of this habit. When he bite make a loud OW! Noise. Ingore her for ten to twenty seconds, then resume play.

answered a question Why does my dog lick me a lot?

Your dog could be licking you for a few different reasons. He may like the taste of your skin because our skin is salty. Or he may just be showing affection toward you.

answered a question Where can I bathe my dog?

Yes absolutely! Use lukewarm water and dog shampoo. The head on my shower is extendable, so it's easy for me to give my dogs a bath. But just using a cup to rinse him off will do the trick.

answered a question Why does my dog keeping licking his nose?

He may be nauseous or he may some kind of oral discomfort. If the licking is frequent take him to the vet and get him checked out just in case it is something more serious.

answered a question What should I feed my dog?

A high quality puppy food will suffice. You can even get puppy food in small bits so she can eat them easier. Make sure you are feeding her the right amount and not just filling up the bowl. Avoid rawhide bones until she is grown.

answered a question Why does my dog bark when I leave?

She wants to go with you. She probably has some anxiety when you do leave her alone.

answered a question Why does my dog still stink after a bath?

Dogs have oil in their skin called Sebum. When dogs get wet the oil and the water together create a bacteria which causes the unpleasant odor. This can sometimes happen when you give your dog a bath.

answered a question Problems with fostering?

When I introduce two dogs I try to do it in a neutral environment on the leash. And just give it some time. As far as advertising your foster I would go to the dog park and let owners know that this dog is available for adoption or you can use social media like Facebook and advertise that way. I have fostered some puppies and kittens before. How long you foster them depends on what their needs are. Sometimes they just need to be socialized which may take a good amount of time. For puppies and kittens that usually just need fostering up until their spayed and ready for adoption.

answered a question Why does my dog throw up every morning?

This usually happens to dogs that are fed once a day. It's called Bilious vomiting syndrome when bile abnormally enters the stomach from the intestine, causing irritation and vomiting. It's best to fed dogs at least once a day.

answered a question Why does my dog scratch his ears?

He could be itching his ears for many different reasons. It could be due to allergies, infection, or something is lodged up in his ear. Go to the vet to find out for sure.

answered a question Why does my dog smell like iron?

The only thing I can think of is that she needs to get her anal gland's expressed. They can gives off a metallic or fishy odor. Could it be that she is female and maybe she's in heat? If not I would have the vet check her out if you're really worried.

answered a question Why does my dog make weird noises when she's sleeping?

She is probably in a very deep sleep known as REM sleep. She is probably twitching and having muscle spasm's and making noises just like humans would do if they were in deep sleep. Or she may just be dreaming.

answered a question Why does my dog howl when I sing?

No you are not scaring her. She is joining you in your singing. Dogs ascended from wolves and has you probably know wolves howl to communicate. She is just communicating or "singing along" with you.

answered a question Why does my dog lick his anus?

If the licking is persistent he may need to get his glands expressed. If this is the case he may be rubbing his but on the ground and you may smell something fishy. Any vet can do this for you it's not recommended that you do it at home.

answered a question Why does my dog dig holes in my backyard?

He is probably very bored. Try giving him some fun activities to do. Toys etc. Take him for long walks before you leave him for the day. This will help keep his mind occupied.

answered a question Where can I register my dog?

Do you mean where can you go to get your dog micro-chipped? Any veterinarian can do micro-chipping. In my area it's around $20. The vet will give you all the info you need and then you register the micro-chip on a website.

answered a question What temperature should my dogs bath be?

Lukewarm water is best. Get the water to the right temp first before putting the dog in the tub so you don't scare him.

answered a question Why does my dog smell like dirty feet?

What dogs encounter outside can cling to their skin and fur which can cause an unpleasant smell. Also dogs don't sweat like we do. They sweat through there paws and slightly through there hair follicles. You may notice when your dog comes back inside in the summer he probably smells worse than in the winter. You might notice that your dogs feet smell bad too. This is due to normal bacteria found on there feet. Bathing and grooming and keeping your dog inside will help with the smell.

answered a question Why does my dog eat potting soil?

There could be a few different reasons why she's eating soil: Your dog may just like the taste. Or your dog’s dirt eating could actually be a search for minerals, vitamins or even good probiotic bacteria that he isn’t getting in his diet. Or she could have a medical condition like inflammatory bowel disease or hypothyroidism. It is best to discourage dogs from eating dirt, as although it is unlikely to cause a serious issue, there can be chemicals within dirt that can be potentially harmful. She may be eating dirt because she's bored. You could try keeping her occupied with toys and other things.

answered a question Why do dogs sneeze while they play?

Sneezing is another way dogs communicate with one another. When they sneeze while playing it tells the other dog this is just play nothing more. Dogs also sneeze when they are excited or if you are doing something they like.

answered a question Why is my dog throwing up foam?

He may be throwing up because his stomach is empty or irritated. Please take your dog to the vet! Especially if this is abnormal for your dog.

answered a question Why does my old dog shake?

Is he just shaking his ears? Or is he trembling? Trembling could just mean that he is just a nervous dog. There could be a few different reasons he would be shaking his ears. 1. There is a foreign body lodged in his ear. 2. He has a lot of ear wax built up 3. Possible ear infection 4. Masses or polyps 5. Allergies Either way if the shaking continues you may want to take him to the vet just to make sure.

answered a question Why does my dog have red spots on her belly?

It might also be fleas if your dog isn't in flea preventative. I would recommend taking your dog to the vet even if you think it's allergies just in case it isn't.

answered a question Why does my dog whine all the time?

To dogs whining is another form of communication. She probably wants something from you. For example, she may be excited by jumping and spinning around, anxious by pacing, frustrated by scratching at the doors, or fearful by trembling or hiding. It it important that you wait for her to settle down before you give her what she wants or else you will actually be training her to whine.

answered a question Why does my dog cry?

To dogs whining is another form of communication. She probably wants something from you. For example, she may be excited by jumping and spinning around, anxious by pacing, frustrated by scratching at the doors, or fearful by trembling or hiding. It it important that you wait for her to settle down before you give her what she wants or else you will actually be training her to whine.

answered a question What can I give my dog for a cold?

The best thing you can do for your dog is to take her to a veterinarian. There are different types of colds and viruses animals can get. They can even get a canine version of the flu. Or different parasites could cause cold like problems. Keep her away from other dogs until you can get her seen by a veterinarian.

answered a question Why does my dog tremble?

Dogs shake for many reasons. In your case your dog may be stressed or excited. Or she may have a serious illness like distemper or kidney disease. You may want to check with your vet to rule out any serious illness.

answered a question Why is my dog depressed?

If she's not playing her eating and that's abnormal then there might be something else going on and you might want to take her to the vet.