
1800HELP4PETS tag?

I just read a walking article from today's sitter news tips and tricks email. In the walking article, they say to make sure the 1800HELP4PETS tag should be attached to the dog's collar (if we have one). Where do we get these tags?


Oops. I think I somehow down-rated your question by accident. I apologize - it's been voted back up again.

3 Answers

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You get the Help4Pets tags when you subscribe to the Rover Protection Program. It includes a year long subscription to the service.

For Rover, the tags are registered to a sitter, so if a dog gets loose during a stay, anyone who finds them will be put in touch with their sitter (and Rover) rather than with the owner, who is presumably out of town and unable to come claim their dog. It's an added layer of protection, even if the dog is wearing tags or has a microchip, since there is a good chance the sitter will be easier to contact and more available.


Thanks, Laura! That's a real nice service from Rover!


I am registered - how can I find the ID number that goes to me? I tried getting additional tags but they wouldn't do it. Trying to order my own.


I'm answering my own question here, but I found out about the tag here:

It sort of works like a Medical Alert ID tag for humans, where there is a number listed on the tag to call Help4pets who keeps a record of your dog's information in case your dog gets lost due to some unfortunate event - like a car accident, fire, etc. Or if your dog gets loose, there is a way for whoever finds them to get your fur-baby back home to you.