
I have been a Rover sitter for nearly a year and am now rated darn good. I want to raise my prices a little. Can I do that and let my 6 repeat customers know that for 6 months they can have my "OLD" price?

I have been a Rover sitter for nearly a year now and am now rated quite high. I want to raise my prices a little. Can I tell my 6 repeat customers that they can have my "OLD" prices until August 1? (6 months)

2 Answers

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I raised my rates for all customers and I have a lot of repeats. Only two asked for a discount on stays over tens days. The others didn't even blink an eye. They are still getting a better experience than any kennel and my rates are fair. Hope that helps, Amber G


I looked at your profile, I think I waited until I had 50 reviews and than again at 100 reviews to increase my rate. A big PLUS is you only take one pup at a time, I would charge more based on that alone. People will pay more for that. Knowing that their pups is getting all your attention.


Of course, You can message them (under past customers) and let them know of the change and offer to keep their rates the same or just wait until their next need.